Islamist file

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An Islamist file is a directory requested by the police union in Germany of the data on Islamist extremists that have been collected by various agencies .

The chairman of the GDP Konrad Freiberg had criticized the coexistence of the constitution protection, the federal intelligence service and the police. You should be able to access all data on Islamists nationwide. In June and July 2004, the proposal found broader approval from many federal states and is considered a deal on July 7, 2004 at the conference of interior ministers in Kiel.

As triggers of these considerations, the case of as apply in addition to data notified by the constitutional protection authorities increasing Islamist violence Hassprediger designated Metin Kaplan .

Purpose of an Islamist file

The aim of such a file is seen to be the preventive determination of potential violent offenders in connection with the preparation and implementation of terrorist activities. Existing identification information about the group of violent Islamists could be recorded centrally and processed more quickly for observation and state surveillance measures (see Large-scale bugging ).


Critics fear that a central file for Islamist extremists could violate data protection . So it is questionable what criteria should be used to manage such a file. Potential Islamist violent criminals can often hardly be distinguished from ordinary believers on the basis of clear demographic or psychological evidence.

Qualified indexing of so-called hate preachers will pose problems for the investigation authorities, for example whether the author of a religious article on the subject of jihad is a potential violent criminal or whether he is conducting an edifying theological discussion as part of the practice of religion .

The choice of wording of the term is understood as discrimination and " extremists database " is suggested for this .

The demand for an Islamist database in Germany is rejected by the FDP and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen . It is currently not clear whether a central Islamist database will actually be implemented.

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