James Silk Buckingham

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James Silk Buckingham, oil painting by Clara S. Lane
James Silk Buckingham, oil painting by Henry William Pickersgill

James Silk Buckingham (born August 25, 1786 in Flushing near Falmouth , Cornwall , † June 30, 1855 in London ) was a British explorer and writer.


Buckingham went to sea from 1796. In 1806 he married Elizabeth Jennings, with whom he had several children. In October 1818 he founded the successful Calcutta Journal , which criticized the government of British India . Governor General John Adam expelled him in April 1823 and banned the journal. Buckingham turned to the House of Commons and the Privy Council , among others , but his complaints were dismissed. It was not until much later that he received compensation from the British East India Company in the form of an annual pension of £ 200. On his travels to and from India he saw many countries about which he published travel reports . In January 1824 he founded the Oriental Herald and Colonial Review , which appeared until December 1829. Two more short-lived apparitions followed, until Buckingham founded the Athenaeum magazine in January 1828 . However, he left her that same year.

In December 1832 Buckingham was elected to Parliament for Sheffield and represented his constituency until July 1837. During this time he advocated the abolition of flogging in the army and navy and the pressing of seamen. Buckingham also supported the abstinence movement .

In October 1837 he toured America for four years. In 1843 the British and Foreign Institute was founded at his instigation . However, it only lasted four years. From 1847 to 1848 he toured Europe. In 1851 he became President of the London Temperance League .

Buckingham was a very prolific writer. He also gave lectures on his travels.


Research and travel reports

  • 1821: Travels in Palestine, through the Countries of Bashan and Gilead, East of the River Jordan: Including a Visit to the Cities of Geraza and Gamala, in the Decapolis . London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ( Google )
    • Edition in two volumes 1822: Travels in Palestine, through the Countries of Bashan and Gilead, East of the River Jordan: Including a Visit to the Cities of Geraza and Gamala, in the Decapolis. Second edition . 2 volumes. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (Google: Volume I - Volume II ) (BSB Munich: Volume I - Volume II )
    • German edition: Travel in Palestine. From the English of Mr. Buckingham . Jena: Bran'sche Buchhandlung ( Google )
  • 1825: Travels among the Arab Tribes Inhabiting the Countries East of Syria and Palestine, Including a Journey from Nazareth to the Mountains Beyond the Dead Sea, and from thence through the Plains of Hauran to Bozra, Damascus, Tripoly, Lebanon, Baalbeck, and by the Valley of the Orontes to Seleucia, Antioch, and Aleppo. With an Appendix, Containing a Refutation of Certain Unfounded Calumnies Industriously Circulated against the Author (...). London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green ( Google ) ( BSB Munich )
    • German edition 1827–28: Travels through Syria and Palestine. Translated from English. 2 parts. Weimar: Landes-Industrie-Comptoir (= new library of the most important travelogues to expand geography and ethnology , 45–46) (Google: Part I - Part II )
  • 1827: Travels in Mesopotamia. Including a Journey from Aleppo to Baghdad, by the Route of Beer, Orfah, Diarbekr, Mardin, & Mousul; with Researches on the Ruins of Niniveh, Babylon, and other Ancient Cities . 2 volumes. London: Henry Colburn (Google: Volume I - Volume II ) (MDZ color scan: Volume I - Volume II)
    • Edition in one volume 1827: Travels in Mesopotamia. Including a Journey from Aleppo, across the Euphrates to Orfah, (the Ur of the Chaldees,) through the Plains of the Turcomans, to Diarbekr, in Asia Minor: from thence to Mardin, on the Borders of the Great Desert, and by the Tigris to Mousul and Bagdad: with Researches on the Ruins of Babylon, Nineveh, Arbela, Ctesiphon, and Seleucia . London: Henry Colburn ( Google )
    • German edition 1828: Travel in Mesopotamia from Aleppo, over the Euphrates to Orfah, the Ur in Chaldäa, through the plains of the Turkman, to Diarbekr, in Asia Minor, from there to Mardin on the borders of the great desert and on the Tigris to Mosul and Baghdad, along with studies on the ruins of Babylon, Niniveh, Arbela, Ctesiphon and Seleucia. Translated from English . Berlin: Voss 1828 ( Google ) ( MDZ Farbscan ) ( BSB Munich )
  • 1829: Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, Including a Journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros, to Hamadan, the Ancient Ecbatana, Researches in Ispahan and the Ruins of Persepolis, and Journey from thence by Shiraz and Shapoor to the Sea-Shore. Description of Bussorah, Bushire, Bahrain, Ormus, and Muscat; Narrative of an Expedition against the Pirates of the Persian Gulf, with Illustrations of the Voyage of Nearchus, and Passage by the Arabian Sea to Bombay . London: Henry Colburn ( Google )
    • Second edition in 2 volumes 1830: London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley (Google: Volume I - Volume II )
  • 1830: Esquisse d'un plan de voyage autour du monde, par le route des Indes, de la Chine, du Japon et des îles de l'océan pacifique: ayant pour but les intérêts combinés des découvertes, de la civilization et du commerce . Paris: de Plassant = reprint from the Bulletin de la Société de Géographie ( MDZ )
  • 1832: Tableau pittoresque de l'Inde, ou Description géographique, statistique, commerciale, morale et politique de l'Indostan. Traduit de l'anglais sous les yeux de l'auteur et d'après le manuscrit original by Benjamin Laroche . Paris: Librairie Encyclopédique ( Google )
  • 1841: America. Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive. 3 volumes. London: Fisher, Son, & Co. (Google: Volume I - Volume II - Volume III )
  • 1842: The Eastern and Western States of America . 3 volumes. London: Fisher, Son, & Co. (Google: Volume I - Volume II - Volume III )
  • 1842: The Slave States of America . 2 volumes. London: Fisher, Son, & Co. (Google: Volume I - Volume II )
  • 1843: Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Other British Provinces in North America. With a Plan of National Colonization . London: Fisher, Son, & Co. ( Google )
  • 1847: France, Piedmont, Italy, Lombardy, the Tyrol, and Bavaria. An Autumnal Tour . 2 volumes. London: Peter Jackson, late Fisher, Son, & Co. (Google: Volume I - Volume II )
  • 1848: Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, and Holland. An Autumnal Tour . 2 volumes. London: Peter Jackson, late Fisher, Son, & Co. (Google: Volume I - Volume II )
  • 1851 (anonymous): The Buried City of the East, Nineveh: A Narrative of the Discoveries of Mr. Layard and M. Botta at Nimroud and Khorsabad; with Descriptions of the Exhumed Sculptures, and Particulars of the Early History of the Ancient Ninevite Kingdom. Illustrated with One Hundred Engravings . London: Office of the National Illustrated Library ( Google )


  • 1829: A Reply fo Mr. Sadler's Speech at Whitby, on the Shipping Interest . Whitby: R. Kirby ( Google )
  • 1831: Qualifications and Duties of Members of Parliament, Being the Substance of an Address Delivered to the Inhabitants of Sheffield in the Music Hall, on Monday the First of August, 1831, on the Subject of their Approaching Privilege of Sending Representatives to the Reformed Parliament . Nottingham: R. Sutton ( Google )
  • 1832: Mr. Buckingham's Defense of his Public and Private Character, against the Atrocious Calumnies Contained in a False and Slanderous Pamphlet, the Accusations of which are Refuted by the Strongest Evidence, Drawn Principally from the False Accuser Himself . Sheffield: John Blackwell ( Google )
  • 1834: Evidence on Drunkenness, Presented to the House of Commons, by the Select Committee Appointed by the House to Inquire into this Subject, and Report the Minutes of Evidence, with their Opinions Thereupon. JS Buckingham, Esq., MP, in the Chair . London: Benjamin Bagster ( Google )
  • 1843: Inaugural Lecture, Written for the Opening of the British and Foreign Institute and Delivered, in an Abridged Form, Before the Members and Friends of that Association (...). London: Fisher, Son, & Co. ( Google )
  • 1845: Plan of an Improved Income Tax and Real Free Trade, with an Equitable Mode of Redeeming the National Debt, and Some Observations on the Education and Employment of the People - On Systematic Colonization - and on the Welfare of the Laboring Classes . London: James Ridgway ( Google )
  • 1849: National Evils and Practical Remedies, with the Plan of a Model Town. Illustrated by Two Engravings. Accompanied by an Examination of Some Important Moral and Political Problems . London: Peter Jackson, late Fisher, Son, & Co. ( Google )
  • 1851: An Earnest Plea for the Reign of Temperance and Peace, as Conducive to the Prosperity of Nations; Submitted to the Visitors of the Great Exhibition (...). London: Peter Jackson, Late Fisher Son, & Co. ( Google )
  • 1855: Autobiography of James Silk Buckingham; Including his Voyages, Travels, Adventures, Speculations, Successes and Failures, Faithfully and Frankly Narrated: Interspersed with Characteristic Sketches of Public Men with whom he has had Intercourse, during a Period of More than Fifty Years. With a portrait . 2 volumes. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans (Google: Volume I - Volume II )


  • Buckingham, James Silk . In: Encyclopædia Britannica . 11th edition. tape 4 : Bishārīn - Calgary . London 1910, p. 727 (English, full text [ Wikisource ]).
  • A Copious Report of Mr. Buckingham's Lectures on the Eastern World, Including Remarks on the East India Company's Monopoly, Renewal of the Charter, Effects of a Free Trade to India and China, Manners, Customs, Superstitions, Climate, Natural History, Resources, & c. of the Eastern World: With a Great Variety of Other Interesting and Amusing Information . Liverpool: E. Smith and Co. 1829 ( Google )
  • Outline Sketch of the Voyages, Travels, Writings, and Public Labors of James Silk Buckingham, Esq. Compiled from Authentic Sources. With a portrait . London: Peter Jackson, late Fisher, Son, & Co. 1840 ( Google )
  • James Hildreth: Notes of the Buckingham Lectures: Embracing Sketches of the Geography, Antiquities, and Present Condition of Egypt and Palestine: Compiled from Oral Discourses of the Hon. JS Buckingham. Together with a sketch of his life . New York: Leavitt, Lord, & Co. 1838 ( Google )
  • Bessie Louise Pierce (ed.): As Others See Chicago. Impressions of Visitors, 1673–1933 . Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago 1933 (reprinted 2004), p. 87.
  • Ralph E. Turner: James Silk Buckingham 1786–1855. A Social Biography . Williams & Norgate, London 1934 ( archive )

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