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Río Jarama
location Spain
River system Tagus
Drain over Tagus  → Atlantic
source Peña Cebollera , Iberian Separation Mountains
41 ° 8 ′ 59 ″  N , 3 ° 32 ′ 6 ″  W
Source height 2119  m
muzzle in the river Tajo near Aranjuez Coordinates: 40 ° 1 ′ 53 ″  N , 3 ° 39 ′ 0 ″  W 40 ° 1 ′ 53 ″  N , 3 ° 39 ′ 0 ″  W
Mouth height 482  m
Height difference 1637 m
Bottom slope 8.6 ‰
length 190 km
Catchment area 11,597 km²
Drain MQ
32.1 m³ / s
Reservoirs flowed through Embalse de El Vado
Río Jarama near Titulcia

Río Jarama near Titulcia

El Vado reservoir

The Jarama is a 190 kilometer long right northern tributary of the Tagus in central Spain .


The Río Jarama rises in the Iberian Scheidegebirge at the foothills of the Peña Cebollera , also known as Pico de las Tres Provincias (German: "tip of the three provinces"), where the provinces of Madrid , Guadalajara and Segovia meet. It flows mainly from north to south through the provinces of Guadalajara and Madrid, passing through the city of Madrid near Barajas Airport to the east. Two kilometers west of the residential city of Aranjuez , the Jarama flows into the Tagus , the longest river on the Iberian Peninsula , with the last few kilometers forming the border between the provinces of Madrid and Toledo .




In its upper reaches, the Río Jarama should be dammed several times, but currently only one reservoir ( Embalse de El Vado ) is left; the others are either closed or have been planned for over 50 years.

Places on the river

Guadalajara Province
Autonomous Community of Madrid


'Roman Bridge' at Talamanca de Jarama

The upper reaches of the Río Jarama are surrounded by forests and are ideal for hiking and fishing trips. The charming mountain village of El Cardoso de la Sierra has only 70 inhabitants. Cultural sights on the river are rare - the so-called 'Roman Bridge' at Talamanca de Jarama has been repaired and partially renewed several times over the centuries. The old town center of Talamanca was classified as a cultural asset ( Bien de Interés Cultural ) in the category Conjunto histórico-artístico because of its historical buildings ; In the vicinity of the place there are several watchtowers ( atalayas ) from Islamic times . In Aranjuez is the remarkable baroque Royal Palace ( palacio real ); The city and palace are a UNESCO World Heritage Site .


On November 11, 1936, during the Spanish Civil War , during the Battle of Madrid , when the nationalist forces tried by all means to take Madrid , the republican liquidated 1,029 “national” prisoners in the Jarama Valley. The prisoners were transported from the Modelo prison and liquidated in the Jarama Valley by the V Republican Regiment . The liquidation was the revenge of the Republicans for the massacre in the capture of Badajoz by nationalist troops than 1,500 Republicans in the bullring of Badajoz were shot. The liquidation was justified propagandistically with the fact that the liquidated would be members of the fifth column . There is an unproven claim that the shootings were ordered by communist leader Santiago Carrillo . Another theory assumes that the order came from José Cazorla , Carrillo's deputy, or from the Soviet adviser Koltsov . This war crime was convicted by the director of Melchor Rodríguez Prison.

The Jarama Valley was also the site of the Battle of the Jarama . On February 6, 1937, General Emilio Mola tried to cross the Jarama River. A central goal of the nationalist troops was to take the city of Arganda del Rey in order to interrupt the supply of Madrid via the National Road III. The nationalist attack in the plain of La Marañosa was carried out by around 25,000 men, including troops from the Spanish Legion and the Condor Legion .

In the literature

  • El Jarama , 1956, is a novel by Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio about young people picnicking at the Jarama. His realistic dialogues are considered an example of the renewal of the Spanish novel in the 1950s.
  • In the first chapter of Wilhelm Raabe's novella "Die Schwarze Galeere" there is talk of a "castle on the Jarama".


  1. Übers. Helmut Frielinghaus : Am Jamara. Insel Verlag , 1960