Jeremy Collier

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Portrait of Jeremy Collier painted by William Faithorne the Younger

Jeremy Collier (born September 3, 1650 in Stow-cum-Quy , Cambridgeshire , † April 26, 1726 in London ) was an Anglican bishop and English theater critic.


As a supporter of King James II , he belonged after the Glorious Revolution , in 1688 King William III. and Queen Mary came to the throne, among the so-called " non-jurors, " a group who refused allegiance to the new monarchs. In 1713 he was ordained a bishop by "non-juring" Scottish bishops who did not belong to the state church.

Collier is particularly important in connection with English theater history. In his pamphlet A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage ( a short reflection on the immorality and godlessness of the English Stage , 1698) he attacked the Restoration comedies of the 1690s sharply. In this writing he mainly referred to the plays by William Congreve and John Vanbrugh .

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