Johann Heinrich Voss Prize for Literature and Politics

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The Johann Heinrich Voss Prize for Literature and Politics was donated as a literary prize by the city of Otterndorf , the regional Niederelbe-Zeitung and the Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Wesermünde-Hadeln . It is intended to commemorate the poet and translator Johann Heinrich Voss , who lived in Otterndorf from 1778 to 1782.

The award honors “personalities in public life who have made a contribution to humanism, enlightenment, humanity and freedom.” It has been awarded every three years since 2000 and is endowed with 10,000 euros.

It is not identical to the Johann Heinrich Voss Prize for Translation .

Award winners

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. After much criticism, Broder renounces the Voss Prize