Johann Aloys Miksch

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Johann Aloys Miksch (born July 19, 1765 in St. Georgenthal in Böhmen , † September 24, 1845 in Dresden ; sometimes in a different spelling Mieksch ) was a Bohemian singer (tenor) and singing teacher .


In 1778 Miksch came to the Catholic Kapellknabeninstitut in Dresden, where he received lessons in singing and various instruments , then studied composition under the conductor Schuster and soon after (1783) found a job with the Catholic court church music as a baritone . In 1786 he became a ceremonial singer at the Catholic Court Church .

After his voice sickness due to incorrect voice training , he took singing lessons from the church singer and castrato Vincenzo Caselli . Inspired by this, he now devoted himself exclusively to the study of art singing and, under the direction of Caselli, a pupil of the Bolognese school of Bernacchi , made himself very well acquainted with the method followed there.

In the years 1799–1801 he sang at the Dresden Italian Opera, but from 1801 he worked with the Kapellknaben, where he was appointed instructor , mainly as a singing teacher.

In 1820, at the instigation of Carl Maria von Weber, he became the choir director of the German opera at the Dresden court theater under Weber and in 1824 he was also custodian of the royal (private) music collection. In 1831 he was retired.

Miksch has the merit of having preserved the traditions of older Italian art singing in Germany . He also owes his high reputation as a singing teacher to numerous students, including Johann Gottfried Bergmann , the later singing teacher Ferdinand Sieber and the singers Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient and Agnese Schebest . He was a member of the Dresden Freemasons lodge to the three hardworms and true friends .


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Individual evidence

  1. Alfonso Zesi (May 17, 1799 in Milan - 1861 in Milan). Bass singer in Dresden, among others.