Johann Diederich Gries

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Johann Diederich Gries (silhouette by Christian Friedrich Traugott Duttenhofer )

Johann Diederich Gries (born February 7, 1775 in Hamburg ; † February 9, 1842 there ) was a German translator in the romantic era.


Gries came from a wealthy Hamburg merchant family. At 17, he began to wish his father a business apprenticeship before moving to 1795 Jena went to there Jura study. In Jena he met many great intellectuals of his time, including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , Friedrich Schiller , Johann Gottfried Herder and Christoph Martin Wieland . His first literary publications in Schiller's Musenalmanach and Wieland's New German Merkur were received with enthusiasm by the public. In 1798, Gries met in Dresden with Novalis , August Wilhelm Schlegel and other representatives of Romanticism together, after which he joined this literary movement. After completing his doctorate in 1800 he went to Göttingen and Heidelberg , where he a. a. associated with Joseph von Eichendorff and Clemens Brentano . In the years to come, Gries made several trips, which he a. a. led to Switzerland and Italy . In Stuttgart , where he lived from 1824 to 1827, he met Gustav Schwab and Ludwig Uhland before he returned to his home town of Hamburg via Jena in 1837, where he died in 1842.

Gries published several of his own poems during his lifetime, but they did not get beyond a certain degree of mediocrity. Aware of his average talent for his own poetry, he would “rather deliver good translations than mediocre originals” . He was totally absorbed in the translation and for the first time provided German readers with skillful and faithful translations of famous foreign-language texts that are still authoritative today.



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Wikisource: Johann Diederich Gries  - Sources and full texts