Johannes Hanselmann

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Johannes Hanselmann (born March 9, 1927 in Ehingen am Ries ; † October 2, 1999 in Rotthalmünster ) was regional bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria , the third largest church in the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) , from 1975 to 1994 .

From 1978 to 1987 he was Vice President, from 1987 to 1990 President of the Lutheran World Federation . From 1991 to 1994 he was Catholica representative of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD) .


Hanselmann studied Protestant theology and philosophy at the University of Erlangen from 1946 to 1949 and from 1949 to 1950 as a scholarship holder of the Lutheran Churches of North America at the Wittenberg Seminar in Springfield , Ohio (USA). His master's thesis dealt with theological anthropology, his dissertation at the Hartford Seminary Foundation with Heidegger's fundamental ontology and its theological implications.

Hanselmann worked as a pastor in Coburg and Grub am Forst . Further stations from 1966 were the management of the "House of the Church" of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg in West Berlin and in 1974 the appointment as senior church councilor and district dean for the church district of Bayreuth . On September 28, 1975 he was introduced to his office as regional bishop in the St. Lorenz Church in Nuremberg. The Protestant theologian was Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (ELKB) from 1975 to 1994 and President of the Lutheran World Federation from 1987 to 1990 . His tomb is in the Munich North Cemetery .


The Department of Protestant Theology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich awarded Hanselmann an honorary doctorate in 1976 for his theological and scientific work and the implementation of the resulting findings for community life.


Hanselmann was married to Ruth Hanselmann, b. Hanemann. The couple had four children: Matthias , Paul-Gerhardt, Jörg-Steffen and Ruthild Andrea.


  • Evangelical Press Service, ZA No. 187, September 29, 1975
  • Janning Hoenen: Regional Bishop Johannes Hanselmann. A man in the uncomfortable middle , Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2019.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. In memory of former Protestant bishop Johannes Hanselmann | Sunday paper - 360 degrees evangelical. Retrieved October 3, 2019 .
predecessor Office successor
Hermann Dietzfelbinger Regional Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
Hermann von Loewenich