John Cantlie

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John Cantlie (* 1970 or 1971) is a British photographer and correspondent who has worked for the Sunday Times , Sunday Telegraph and the AFP news agency , among others . He is a great-grandson of doctor James Cantlie .

Cantlie was kidnapped by Islamists in Syria in July 2012 and shot in the arm. After seven days in captivity, he was freed by the Free Syrian Army . In November 2012, Cantlie was abducted again in Syria together with the American journalist James Foley . Foley was beheaded in front of the camera by Jihadi John in August 2014 .

Cantlie has appeared in various propaganda videos for the terrorist organization Islamic State since September 2014 and transmits various messages. It is unclear to what extent he is convinced of his statements himself or whether they are only made under duress. So far, seven videos (an introduction and six episodes) have been released under the title Lend Me Your Ears , in which Cantlie sits at a table in an orange suit and takes a stand on various topics. Among other things, he sharply criticized the Western media and politicians, also for their unwillingness to negotiate with the IS over the release of the British and US hostages. In episode 4 he warned of a "Third Gulf War". In the sixth episode in November 2014, Cantlie stated that he expected to be executed by IS one day like his fellow prisoners.

In addition, three other videos were published in which Cantlie reported in the role of a normally dressed reporter from the cities of Kobanê and Mosul and positively illuminated ISIS positions. The last part of this lavishly produced series was filmed in Aleppo and was released in early February 2015. Shortly afterwards, the IS magazine Dabiq published an alleged article by Cantlie in which he called on his family to let him go and forget him.

Another video appeared on July 12, 2016, which Cantlie et al. a. shows in front of the rubble of the University of Mosul. In it he criticizes the bombing of the once "largest and most beautiful university in Iraq" by the US-led International Alliance against the Islamic State . About three months ago, 15 people were killed and another 103 injured.

On July 28, 2017, the Iraqi Al-Sura News Agency alleged that Cantlie was killed after the agency conducted interviews with three captured ISIS militants.

Propaganda videos

  • Lend Me Your Ears - Messages from The British Detainee John Cantlie
  • Lend Me Your Ears - Messages from The British Detainee John Cantlie, Episode 1
  • Lend Me Your Ears - Messages from The British Detainee John Cantlie, Episode 2
  • Lend Me Your Ears - Messages from The British Detainee John Cantlie, Episode 3
  • Lend Me Your Ears - Messages from The British Detainee John Cantlie, Episode 4
  • Lend Me Your Ears - Messages from The British Detainee John Cantlie, Episode 5
  • Lend Me Your Ears - Messages from The British Detainee John Cantlie, Episode 6
  • Inside Kobanê : Report on the Battle of Kobanê , published October 27, 2014
  • Inside Mosul , published January 3, 2015
  • Inside Aleppo , published February 9, 2015

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Isis video shows hostage John Cantlie claiming battle for Kobani nearly over The Guardian, accessed February 5, 2015
  2. a b IS forces British hostages to make propaganda video. Die Welt , September 18, 2014, accessed March 14, 2015 .
  3. British hostage reads terror pamphlet. n-tv , September 23, 2014, accessed on March 14, 2015 .
  4. a b British hostage has to rail against Obama for IS. Kronen Zeitung , September 30, 2014, accessed on March 14, 2015 .
  5. a b c Long ago I accepted that I would be killed. Kronen Zeitung, November 23, 2014, accessed on March 14, 2015 .
  6. ^ A b John Cantlie: British hostage appears in new Isis video warning the West is heading towards 'Third Gulf War'. The Independent , October 16, 2014, accessed March 14, 2015 .
  7. a b New IS video: Jihadists let hostage play reporters. Der Spiegel , October 28, 2014, accessed on March 14, 2015 .
  8. a b IS hostage John Cantlie has to play the city guide. n-tv, January 4, 2015, accessed on March 14, 2015 .
  9. a b British hostage John Cantlie appears in new Isis video. The Guardian , February 9, 2015, accessed March 14, 2015 .
  10. British hostage John Cantlie held by Isil tells family not to expect to see him alive again. The Daily Telegraph , February 13, 2015, accessed March 14, 2015 .
  11. New ISIS video surfaces suggesting hostage John Cantlie may still be alive Fox News, July 12, 2016.
  12. British journalist held hostage by ISIL reported dead in Mosul: Iraqi media . In: Newsdesk . All Masdar.
  13. Video of British hostage John Cantlie released. BBC , September 18, 2014, accessed October 28, 2014 .
  14. Second video of British hostage John Cantlie released. BBC, September 23, 2014, accessed November 23, 2014 .