Josef Kübler

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Josef Kübler (born April 6, 1896 in Munich , † February 26, 1947 in Ljubljana ) was a German officer, most recently lieutenant general .


Origin and family

Josef Kübler was born the son of the doctor Wilhelm Kübler and his wife Rosa Braun and had six brothers and two sisters. On October 28, 1920 he married Johanna Märkel.

Military background

On August 16, 1914, he joined the 1st Field Artillery Regiment "Prince Regent Luitpold" as a war volunteer . Immediately after basic training he was sent to the regiment in the field and on November 11, 1914, he was transferred to the 15th Infantry Regiment "King Friedrich August of Saxony" as a flag junior . On June 10, 1916, as a lieutenant , Josef Kübler was wounded at the front and taken to a hospital . After his recovery, he joined the regiment's replacement battalion and returned to his regiment at the front on August 30, 1916. From December 18, 1916 he served in his regiment as adjutant of III. Battalions until the end of the war.

On June 6, 1919, he was transferred to the Reichswehr Infantry Regiment 42. From July 1 to September 30, 1919, he attended the officers' school in Munich and on January 1, 1921, he was transferred to the 19 Infantry Regiment , where he started served in the regimental staff on October 1, 1922. Between October 1, 1924 and October 1, 1925, he completed an assistant command training with the 7th Division staff and was promoted to first lieutenant on April 1, 1925. On October 1, 1925, he was transferred to the staff of the 7th Division and a year later to the Reichswehr Ministry . On October 1, 1927, he was transferred to Infantry Regiment 19 and on October 1, 1928, Regimental Adjutant in Infantry Regiment 19. On August 31, 1929, he returned to the Ministry of Defense and was promoted to captain on November 1, 1930 . On December 1, 1932, he was company commander in the 19 Infantry Regiment and on August 1, 1934, he was transferred to the staff of Infantry Leader V. From October 15, 1935 he served as an Ia in the staff of the 9th Infantry Division , where he was promoted to major on December 1, 1935 . On August 1, 1936 he was transferred to the General Staff of the War Academy and on August 1, 1939 promoted to lieutenant colonel.

When the Second World War broke out on September 1, 1939, Josef Kübler was appointed First General Staff Officer (Ia) in the staff of VI. Army Corps , which was deployed on the Western Front. From October 15, 1939 he was Ia in the staff of the 12th Army and took part with this association in the Western campaign and the Balkan campaign. From November 21, 1941 he was Ia on the staff of the XXXXII. Army Corps in the Crimea and January 6, 1942 of the XXXXIX. Mountain Corps on the Mius . On January 19, 1943 he was transferred to the Führerreserve and on March 15, 1943 commander of the 718th Infantry Division - after renaming on March 15, 1943, 118th Jäger Division - in the Balkans. Promoted to Lieutenant General on January 1, 1944 , he was transferred to the Fuehrer Reserve on July 10, 1944 and assigned to Army High Command 9 . From September 1, 1944, until October 16, 1944, he commanded the Rhodes Storm Division . Subsequently transferred to the Führerreserve again, he became commander of the 1st Mountain Division on December 27, 1944 . Relocated to the Führerreserve in March 1945, he was taken prisoner in Yugoslavia at the end of the war.

War crimes

Under his command, the division was involved in several war crimes and massacres in Serbia. Because of these atrocities, he was executed in Ljubljana on February 26, 1947 . His older brother Ludwig , general of the mountain troops, was also executed for war crimes.


  • Dermot Bradley, Karl-Friedrich Hildebrand, Markus Rövekamp: The generals of the army . Volume 7: Boy - Luz . Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück 2004, ISBN 3-7648-2902-8 , pp. 264-266.