Josef Kleindienst (police officer)

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Josef Kleindienst (* 1963 in Mistelbach , Lower Austria ) is an Austrian ex-police officer who is known for his involvement in the "spy scandal", for the non-fiction books he wrote and for his real estate projects in Dubai .


Early years; Police officer and liberal union official

Kleindienst grew up in Schrattenberg in Lower Austria. From 1981 he attended the police service school in Vienna and became a police officer. In 1991 he ran as a freelance staff representative; then he took part in the founding of the Action Group of Independent and Freedom Party (AUF). In addition, he was involved in the Blaulicht magazine . In May 1998 he became chairman of the FPÖ- affiliated Free Trade Union of Austria . In 1999 he took leave of absence, turned away from the FPÖ and began to publish books on how to avoid paying administrative fines.

Spy scandal

In 2000, Kleindienst filed a voluntary report: From 1993 onwards, on behalf of FPÖ politicians, he had requested data from police computers and passed it on to his clients, for which he had received money. According to Kleindienst's statements, the denunciations he passed on to politicians were often reproduced soon after in tabloids such as the Kronen Zeitung . The affair has been described as a "spy scandal". Investigations were then initiated against more than twenty people on suspicion of abuse of office or incitement to abuse of office, including against Jörg Haider and the head of the Vienna FPÖ, Hilmar Kabas . Most of the investigations were discontinued, only against Kleindienst himself and against Michael Kreißl charges were brought. The first judgments of September 2002 (six months in prison each) were overturned due to procedural errors. A second trial ended in February 2004 with acquittals.

Real estate business in Dubai

By speculating on securities, Kleindienst came to a fortune of 27 million schillings . Financially independent, he went to Dubai in 2003 and began to work in the real estate business there, initially with a franchise license from the German luxury brokerage Engel & Völkers . In 2005 Kleindienst started his own real estate company Kleindienst & Partner and opened offices a. a. in India and Iran. His companies were mentioned in reports on real estate projects such as the European Business Center or the failed The Crystal .

Kleindienst acquired six islands of the artificial archipelago The World , namely "Germany", "Austria", "Switzerland", "Holland", "Sweden" and "Saint Petersburg". The financial crisis in 2009 brought the project to a standstill, but there are frequent media reports about plans for small-scale service on these islands.


  • Josef Kleindienst, Henrik Linea, Team Punished: Never pay a fine again. 1: This is how Austria's drivers slip through the loopholes in the law. St. Andrä-Wölker 1999.
  • Josef Kleindienst, Henrik Linea, Team Punished: Never pay a fine again. 2: The best practice cases from our readers, the latest tricks. St.Andrä-Wölker 2002.
  • Josef Kleindienst: I confess: what a police officer knows about the executive. Book club Donauland, Vienna 2001.
  • Josef Kleindienst: The police officer as a millionaire: I got rich with stocks - and so can you! Ueberreuter, Vienna 2001.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walter Mayr: Cartel of the informers. Der Spiegel , November 13, 2000.
  2. ^ Judgment in the spy affair: acquittal for Kreißl & Kleindienst. News , February 12, 2004.
  3. Uncovering the spy affair big in the real estate business. News, Jan. 20, 2006.
  4. ^ Angelika Kramer, Florian Horcicka: The opaque Dubai shops of Josef Kleindienst. Format , June 23, 2013.
  5. Barbara Nothegger: Crash in the fairytale land of Dubai: Standstill in the real estate sector makes investors tremble. Format, December 3, 2009.
  6. Claus Hecking: Real estate project "The World": Bad weather should lure tourists to Dubai. Spiegel Online, January 31, 2014.