Joseph Christian von Zedlitz

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Joseph Christian Freiherr von Zedlitz, lithograph by Josef Kriehuber , 1840

Philipp Gotthard Joseph Christian Karl Anton Freiherr von Zedlitz and Nimmersatt (born February 28, 1790 at Johannisberg Castle near Jauernig , Austrian Silesia , † March 16, 1862 in Vienna ) was an Austrian officer and writer.


Zedlitz was the son of the episcopal governor and governor of Johannisberg Castle, today 's Jánský Vrch Castle . He was largely related to the lawyers Karl Abraham Freiherr von Zedlitz and Constantin von Zedlitz-Neukirch . In addition to being educated by private tutors, Zedlitz attended the Matthias Gymnasium in Breslau ; there, among others, Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff became his school friend.

At the age of 16, Zedlitz joined the Austrian hussar regiment Archduke d'Este in 1806 . After two years he was lieutenant and orderly officer to Field Marshal Prince Friedrich Franz von und zu Hohenzollern-Hechingen . Zedlitz also took part in the campaign of 1809 with his employer. For his enormous bravery in the battles at Teugn-Hausen , Eggmühl , Aspern and Wagram , Zedlitz was praised and awarded several times.

When the Treaty of Schönbrunn was concluded on October 14, 1809 , a career in the military was in poor shape. When Napoleon I married Marie-Louise von Habsburg in 1810 , Zedlitz took his leave and managed the Zedlitz estates in Hungary until 1836 at the request of his family. On April 19, 1811 he married Ernestine, a daughter of Baron Anton von Lipthay (1745–1800), as kk chamberlain . On the side, Zedlitz tried his hand at writing and made his debut in 1815 with his cycle of poems, Spring Roses . In 1831 he wrote the poem Mariechen sat am Rocken , which later became popular as a kitchen song under the title Mariechen sat weeping in the garden .

From 1819 Zedlitz was able to regularly publish an annual series of almanacs in Aglaja . He maintained loose contact with literary circles in Vienna, including the circle around Johann Jakob Jacobi . He was able to publish many of his works in the Vienna Yearbooks of Literature by Johann Ludwig Deinhardstein . Important colleagues were Franz Grillparzer , Joseph Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall , Joseph Schreyvogel , Zacharias Werner and others. When the Austrian imperial anthem was changed after the death of Emperor Franz I , a text by Zedlitz was used.

In the spring of 1830, King Ludwig I of Bavaria invited Zedlitz to Munich. The King would have liked to see Zedlitz in his cabinet, but after a few days of fruitless negotiations they parted ways.

When his wife died of cholera on September 10, 1836 , Zedlitz returned to the civil service. After a long trip to Paris (1837) and Rome (1838), he was appointed by Emperor Ferdinand I , primarily on the recommendation of Prince Klemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich and his minister, Count Franz Anton von Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky . Until the March Revolution in 1848, Zedlitz worked in Vienna mostly in the War Ministry and in the diplomatic corps. In addition to his official duties, he increasingly worked as a writer and correspondent for the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung . His report "Uprising in Galicia" and his pamphlets , which he wrote in line with Metternich's policy, deserve special mention .

In 1840 and again in 1842 Zedlitz traveled to Cologne with Metternich . In addition to the official business, he made the acquaintance of August Daniel von Binzer . In his house Zedlitz experienced important literary inspirations in discussions with Ferdinand Freiligrath , Carl Leberecht Immermann , Gottfried Kinkel and Karl Simrock, among others .

After the revolution, Zedlitz stayed on his estates in Aussee ( Salzkammergut ) until 1851 , where he lived very secluded. In that year, through the intercession of Emperor Ferdinand I, Zedlitz became Minister-Resident of the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach at the Viennese court. Later he was also appointed chargé d'affaires of smaller German courts such as Braunschweig, Nassau and Oldenburg. These offices did not require regular attendance at court, so that Zedlitz could devote himself to writing until the end of his life.

In 1859 Zedlitz traveled to Stuttgart for the Schiller Festival on the occasion of Friedrich Schiller's 100th birthday .

Baron Joseph Christian von Zedlitz and Nimmersatt died on March 16, 1862 in Vienna at the age of 72. When he was dying in great pain, he is said to have said: "So many have already died, I'll survive that too."



Grillparzer dedicated a mocking poem to Zedlitz with the following content:

God keep our Zedlitz,
God keep him fat and fat, granting
good to all people,
But, how cheap, mostly ...



Web links

Commons : Joseph Christian von Zedlitz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joseph Christian Freiherr von Zedlitz: Poems. Cotta, Stuttgart and Tübingen 1832, p. 56 f. ( Digitized in the Google book search).
  2. Heinz Rölleke (Ed.): The folk song book . Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1993, ISBN 3-462-02294-6 , pp. 338-339 .
  3. Theo Mang, Sunhilt Mang (ed.): Der Liederquell . Noetzel, Wilhelmshaven 2007, ISBN 978-3-7959-0850-8 , pp. 338-339 .
  4. Austria and the Haydn Hymne (PDF; 259 kB) from June 2009, accessed on September 26, 2009.