Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury

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Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury
Portrait: René Dagron (1880)

Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury (born August 8, 1797 in Cologne , † May 5, 1890 in Paris ) was a French painter .

Robert-Fleury came from a French family of artists. He came to Paris early, where he became a student of Horace Vernet and Antoine-Jean Gros . Then he continued his education in Italy and settled in Paris in 1826, where he mainly devoted himself to the romantic direction of history painting. His main works include:

  • Scene from Bartholomew's Night (1833)
  • The religious conversation in Poissy 1561 (1840)
  • Galileo before the Inquisition Tribunal (1847)
  • Mob berated Jane Shore after her conviction in London (1850)
  • Looting of a Jewish house in Venice in the Middle Ages (1855, the last three in the Luxembourg Museum), Charles V in Yuste (1856)
  • The entry of King Clovis into Tours
  • Baldwin of Boulogne before Edessa (both in Versailles).

In the main room of the commercial court in Paris he painted them

  • Appointment of judges in 1563 ,
  • Proclamation of the commercial order of 1673 ,
  • Napoléon I received the Commercial Code in 1807 and
  • Napoleon III Visit to the new commercial court .

Robert-Fleury achieved high recognition; he became director of the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and the Académie de France in Rome. In addition, he was accepted on January 24, 1857 in the Prussian order Pour le Mérite for science and the arts as a foreign member.

His son Tony Robert-Fleury was also an important painter.


Web links

Commons : Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The Orden pour le merite for science and the arts, The members of the order. Volume I (1842-1881). Gebr. Mann-Verlag, Berlin (1975), page 200 with picture on the opposite page.
  2. The Order pour le merite for science and the arts.