Youth Associations of the Community of Christian Life

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Youth Associations of the Community of Christian Life
purpose Catholic youth organizations
Chair: GCL-JM:
Lukas Wöhrle, Paul Müßig, Yannick Melms, Philipp Betz (church assistant)
Anna Winkelbrandt, Priya George, Rebecca Heinrich, Anna Lena Salomon (church assistant)
Establishment date: 1563/1947
Number of members: 6,000
Seat : augsburg

The youth associations of the Christian Life Community (J-GCL) are a working group of the schoolgirls association GCL-MF (girls and women) and the schoolgirls association GCL-JM (boys and men). Both associations are members of the Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (BDKJ) and the community of Christian life in Germany. The majority of its members are secondary school students.


The youth work of the J-GCL takes place mainly in group lessons. One or two appropriately trained group leaders organize their group, the members of which are made up of students from one year. The content of these group activities are usually active participation in everyday school life, teaching Christian values ​​and spending time together. The J-GCL see their task in accompanying children and adolescents during a formative phase of life and helping them to shape their own life in dealing with the Gospel. They refer especially to the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola .

The group leaders accompany the members in looking at their personal reality and life situation, act as role models, enable the experience of community and can be helpful in the search for identity. This happens with the younger members in the form of games, thematic group lessons, self-designed religious elements and much more. Older members are familiarized with various (Ignatian) methods and deal with personal, socio-political and religious topics; some older members become group leaders in new groups themselves. Having fun in the community is also essential in all age groups.


The youth associations of the CLC are democratically organized. The interests of the individual local communities are taken care of by the group leaders in a joint group of leaders. This sends delegates and functionaries to the regional / diocesan committees , and these in turn to the association management. At the annual conference, each local community is directly represented by a voting representative from the school association. Almost all of the work done by J-GCL is based on the voluntary commitment of its members.


1563 The first “Marian Congregation” (MC) is created under the direction of the Jesuit Father Jean Leunis in Rome, made up of students from different countries. She becomes a model for later MCs.
1584 Establishment of the MC as a church community and mother congregation by Pope Gregory XIII.
1953 Association of all MCs in the world federation, the center of which is Rome. Augsburg becomes the headquarters in Germany.
1967 at the 4th World Congress in Rome the "General Principles" are adopted and the name "Communities of Christian Life" is adopted,
1969/70 which the youth associations take over 2 years later.
since 1971
joint annual conference of both youth associations.
1977 common name "Youth Associations of Communities of Christian Life" (J-GCL).
At the 11th World Delegates' Meeting in Guadalajara / Mexico, the newly formulated "General Principles" are adopted, the "World Federation of Communities of Christian Life" becomes a single worldwide "Community of Christian Life" with individuals as members. The "Youth Associations of the Community of Christian Life" are affiliated to the "Community of Christian Life in Germany".
1995 by resolution of the annual conference, the names of the individual associations are changed to GCL-JM and GCL-MF ( GCL boys and men and GCL girls and women ).
2001 Adoption of the joint "Profile of J-GCL" at the annual conference.

Names and facts

Designation: Youth Associations of the Community of Christian Life (J-GCL)
Consisting of: Girls and women association: GCL-MF
Boys and men association: GCL-JM
Number of diocesan / regional associations: 13
  • Aachen
  • augsburg
  • Bamberg
  • Berlin
  • Eichstatt
  • Munich
  • Passau
  • regensburg
  • West region (Limburg / Fulda / Mainz)
  • Speyer
  • trier
  • Wurzburg

See also

Web links