July aquariids

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Meteor shower
July aquariids
Radians of the July Aquariids
Beginning July 12
maximum 29th of July
The End August 23
Radian position
RA 22400022 h 40 m
DE −16 °
ZHR 25th
Population index 2.5
41 km / s

The July Aquariids or (southern) Delta Aquariids are a medium-strong swarm of shooting stars , the meteors of which occur annually between July 12 and August 23 (according to other sources from July 14 to August 18). They seem to come from the constellation Aquarius (Aquarius). The original body is not known.

The middle name refers to the position of the radian (vanishing point) near the star Delta Aquarii . It has approximately the celestial coordinates RA = 340 °, δ = −16 °. At the beginning of May there is a meteor shower with almost the same direction of origin, the May Aquariids .

On closer inspection, a distinction is made between southern and northern delta aquariids. The former have their maximum on July 29th, the latter occur from mid-July to early September with a maximum around August 13th.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d IMO Meteor Shower Calendar 2020 , accessed on April 16, 2020
  2. Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks tonight , accessed July 6, 2014