King Midas (Opera)

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Work data
Title: King Midas
Shape: Singspiel
Original language: German
Music: Wilhelm Kempff
Libretto : Wilhelm Kempff
Literary source: The judgment of Midas von Wieland
Premiere: January 18, 1931
Place of premiere: Koenigsberg
Place and time of the action: Phrygia, mythological time
  • Thalia ( soprano )
  • Apollo ( tenor )
  • A young faun (tenor)
  • Pan ( baritone )
  • King Midas ( bass )
  • Hermes (speaking role)
  • Fauns, muses, people ( choir )

King Midas is a “comic opera” in one act by Wilhelm Kempff . He also wrote the libretto himself. This is based on the text book for the Singspiel Das Reise des Midas , written by Christoph Martin Wieland in 1775 , which in turn varies Ovid's music competition between Pan and Apollo . The work was premiered on January 18, 1931 in Königsberg .


The opera is set in Phrygia at the time of classical antiquity.

The ugly shepherd god Pan and the well-formed god of light Apollo are in a heated argument. Each of them claim to be the better singer. Because everyone insists on their point of view, a referee is needed. Eventually they agree that King Midas should end the contest with his judgment. After the chants have died down, all listeners expect Midas to declare Apollon the victor. But to everyone's surprise, he decides in favor of Pan. Apollo is so angry about this that he avenges himself for the misjudgment of the king by growing two dog-ears for him.