Kübra Gümüşay

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Kübra Gümüşay (2016)

Kübra Gümüşay , née Kübra Yücel , (born June 28, 1988 in Hamburg ) is a German journalist , blogger , author and network activist.


Kübra Gümüşay is the granddaughter of a Turkish guest worker in Germany. She studied political science in Hamburg and at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London . Since 2012 she has lived with her husband Ali Aslan Gümüşay in Oxford , Great Britain. Kübra Gümüşay is a practicing Muslim woman who wears a headscarf ; she describes herself as a German-Turk and a feminist .

Work and reception

According to Deutschlandradio , she is one of the most influential people in Islam in Germany . Her blog A Foreign Dictionary , which she has been running since 2008 , in which she writes about the Internet, politics, society, feminism and Islam, is clicked on by up to 13,000 Internet users every month. With her blog she would like to “break stereotypes” and “give those who do not otherwise appear in the media” a voice. In 2011, a foreign dictionary was nominated for the Grimme Online Award . The trade journal Medium Magazin then selected Gümüşay as one of the “Top 30 to 30” of the most promising young journalists in Germany. Ina Wunn counts Kübra Gümüşay in her article New Paths for Muslim Women in Europe in Parliament as one of the Muslim-feminist activists who "actively get involved in politics in order to address the disadvantage of (not only) Muslim women."

On the initiative of Daniel Schulz, head of the daily newspaper , Kübra Gümüşay told her stories from 2010 to June 2013 from the world of a German Muslim woman wearing a headscarf in the regular Taz column Das Tuch . She compared this with the development in the women's movement . "First a few should be specifically invited to participate in order to be visible and to pave the way for others." Matthias Matussek wrote in his contribution to the debate on integration for Spiegel Online that Kübra Gümüşay does not wear the headscarf out of submission, but rather Proud. She wanted to show her religion. It is their form of punk , their form of insurrection.

Kübra Gümüşay was editor-in-chief of the Hamburg youth magazine Freihafen . As a freelance journalist, she publishes on the subjects of immigration and integration in, among others, Die Zeit , MiGAZIN and Mädchenmannschaft . To the debate about Thilo Sarrazin's book Germany abolishes itself , she contributed to the anthology Germany reinvents itself, edited by Hilal Sezgin . The Manifesto of the Many at and was invited by the BBC to interview Thilo Sarrazin on a TV show in 2011 .

In 2010 Kübra Gümüşay co-founded the EU-funded network Zahnräder , which aims to offer committed Muslims from business, politics, media, science and the social sector a professional platform to get to know and support each other.

In the bilingual book 50 Years 50 People published by the Turkish Ministry for Turks Abroad in 2012 for the 50th year of the migration of Turks to Germany , Kübra Gümüşay is next to u. a. Fatih Akin and Cem Özdemir are portrayed as one of the 50 "German Turks" presented. In 2014 she was the ambassador for the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency in the theme year against racism. She is an Associated Expert of the Berlin organization Center for Intersectional Justice .

Edition F magazine named Gümüşay one of the “25 women who make our world better” in 2016. In 2018, Forbes named Kübra Gümüşay among the 30 under 30 Europe in the “Media & Marketing” category.

At the beginning of 2018, Gümüşay was able to enforce three out of seven points of a judicial injunction against attacks by the magazine Emma .

Hashtag #SchauHin

In 2013, together with Jamie Schearer and Sabine Mohamed, she initiated the hashtag against everyday racism #SchauHin , a campaign that is compared in the press with the hashtag #Aufschrei . She had the idea for this during a blogger conference organized by the SPD-affiliated Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Berlin. About her motives for setting up #SchauHin , she told the Frankfurter Rundschau : “It is a great relief to know that many people share their own experiences.” When she screamed, she was not yet able to fully relate to this feeling, described by many women . “Because I often don't know whether the discrimination I am experiencing is for sexist or racist reasons.” After all, black or Muslim women , for example, are often affected by multiple discrimination .

Hashtag # Without exception

After the sexual assault on New Year's Eve 2015/16 , she and 21 other feminists initiated the new hashtag #Except without exception against sexism and racism. In it, they criticize the fact that "feminist concerns are being instrumentalized by populists in order to incite against individual sections of the population, as is currently being done in the debate about New Year's Eve." The campaign against sexual violence must have political priority every day without exception, "because it is an ongoing problem that affects us all. ”In this context, she said,“ Our society has a sexism problem on all levels. ”The statement aims to prove that one can discuss sexism without falling into racist traps. In 2016, the campaign #All without exception received the Clara Zetkin Women's Prize from Die Linke for political intervention.

Organized love

In 2016, at the 10th re: publica network conference , Gümüşay gave a highly acclaimed lecture entitled “Organized Love” on racism and hate online and warned: “ Even digital hate is real hate. "She also demands:" We have to organize love because silence in the face of loud hatred is an agreement. "Her lecture was the inspiration for the motto Love Out Loud at the 11th re: publica.

Web links

Commons : Kübra Gümüşay  - collection of images, videos and audio files



  • Language and being. Munich, 2020, Hanser-Verlag, ISBN 978-344626595-0
  • Chapter in: Scandal! The power of public outrage. Edited by Prof. Bernhard Pörksen and Jens Bergmann (2009), Hamburg: Halem Verlag.
  • Chapter in: Manifesto of the Many - Germany is reinventing itself. Edited by Hilal Sezgin . (2011), Berlin: Blumenbar Verlag.
  • Chapter in: Stories from Germany. Biographical considerations from the migration society. Published by Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (2014).
  • Chapter in: Feminisms Today, Positions in Theory and Practice. Edited by Yvonne Franke, Kati Mozygemba, Kathleen Pöge, Bettina Ritter and Dagmar Venohr (2015). Transcript publishing house.

Individual evidence

  1. Kübra Gümüşay, A Foreign Dictionary, June 28, 2010 : "Today I turned 22 years old"
  2. a b c Journalists in Germany. The blogger Kübra Gümüsay: “I want to break the stereotypes”. Goethe-Institut, February 2012
  3. a b Olivera Stajić: An exceptional talent . The 23-year-old Kübra Gümüsay is a successful blogger, young journalist and sought-after discussion partner. In: daStandard.at , January 27, 2012
  4. http://www.migazin.de/kolumne/
  5. ^ Columns by Kübra Gümüşay: The cloth. In: taz.de
  6. I bared that. Dispute between Kübra Gümüşay and Christian Heller, in: Der Freitag , June 9, 2011
  7. A foreign dictionary
  8. The Muslim blogger Kübra Gümüsay. Series: Formative Minds of Islam . Deutschlandradio, August 16, 2012
  9. A foreign dictionary. The journalist Kübra Gümüsay on blogging. ( Memento from December 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Fluter . Magazine of the Federal Agency for Political Education, August 2, 2011 (video)
  10. Top 30 to 30: Kübra Gümüşay , Medium Online
  11. Ina Wunn: New Paths for Muslim Women in Europe ( Memento of December 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) The Parliament, From Politics and Contemporary History No. 37–38 of September 12, 2011, online
  12. Integration debate : We cannot get rid of religion. A contribution to the debate by Matthias Matussek. In: Spiegel Online Kultur , October 27, 2010
  13. Meltem Kulaçatan: gender discourse in the media. Turkish-German press in Europe , Springer VS 2013, ISBN 978-3-658-00971-7 , p. 37
  14. Book premiere: “Manifesto of the Many” Germany is far from abolishing itself! Migazin, February 28, 2011
  15. ^ Kübra Gümüsay (Co-Founder, Zahnräder Network). ( Memento from November 12, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) In: muslimheroes.org
  16. Tagged: Kübra Gümüsay. The Influence of the Internet on Integration and Multiculturalism in Germany. Center for the Study of Europe website, October 11, 2012
  17. Short biography Kübra Gümüşay. ( Memento of November 13, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Website of the University of Houston, USA
  18. Anti-Discrimination Agency - Ambassadors. In: antidiskriminierungsstelle.de. Retrieved March 18, 2016 .
  19. Who we are. Retrieved July 12, 2018 .
  20. https://editionf.com/Die-25-Frauen-die-unsere-Welt-besser-machen
  21. https://www.forbes.com/pictures/5a61ef73a7ea431690113481/kübra-gümüsay-29/#720fd73263ad
  22. Emma and the applause from the right. Over media
  23. ^ Felix Frieler: Campaign against Racism #schauhin. A new outcry goes through the net. In: Berliner Zeitung , September 18, 2013
  24. #LookHin. The outcry against everyday racism . A new movement has formed on Twitter under the hashtag “SchauHin”, initiated by blogger Kübra Gümüşay. Stern magazine , September 9, 2013
  25. Kübra Gümüşay. Statement by the blogger, journalist and co-initiator of the hashtag for everyday racism #SchauHin on five years of queer feminism , Missy Magazine November 4, 2013
  26. Marie-Sophie Adeoso: everyday racism Twitter. #SchauHin is the new outcry. In: FR , September 6, 2013
  27. #SchauHin: Fight against everyday racism. Kübra Gümüsay wants to draw similar attention to the topic of everyday racism. TV report, 3sat , October 7, 2013
  28. ↑ The authors of the statement #exceptionally
  29. a b Sexual assaults on New Year's Eve 2015/16 # without exception - a new outcry to Cologne. In: SZ , January 11, 2016
  30. Statement: #exceptional - Against sexual violence and racism. Always. All over.
  31. Clara Zetkin Women's Prize 2016. In: die-linke.de. Retrieved March 18, 2016 .
  32. Sabine Menkens: Committed women: “We start where we achieve the most”. In: welt.de . July 15, 2016, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  33. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNLhT5hZaV8&t=1s
  34. http://www.bento.de/politik/organisierteliebe-was-der-hashtag-bedeutet-544489/
  35. https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000037960953/kuebra-guemuesaywill-dem-hass-im-netz-den-ton-abenken
  36. The motto: Love Out Loud!