Artist agency of the GDR

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The artist agency of the GDR was the agency of the GDR which had the sole right to place artists from the GDR abroad and to enable foreign artists to perform in the GDR. She made the selection via the performances of the artists, took care of the fees and the exit and entry permits. Artists from the GDR could not perform independently abroad without their mediation and approval. It was founded on May 1, 1960 under the name of Deutsche Künstler-Agentur GmbH Berlin and was renamed on September 1, 1968 to the name that was valid until 1990. The artist agency of the GDR worked together with the concert and guest performance directorate (KGD) responsible for the domestic artist placement, which had also done the foreign placement before 1960.

After the fall of the Wall in 1990, she tried to continue the agency work as a private company under her first name, Deutsche Künstler-Agentur GmbH Berlin .
