Soluch concentration camp

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Soluch (Libya)
Location of Sūluq in Libya
Execution of Umar al-Muchtar in Soluch, 1931

The KZ Soluch in the Libyan city Suluq was an Italian concentration camps of fascist Italy . It was founded in October 1930, like other camps, to intern the parts of the population subjected and deported during the Second Italo-Libyan War and thereby deprive the rebellious Sanusiya of Cyrenaica under their leader Umar al-Muchtar with a genocidal warfare. Around 20,000 people were interned in the camp and around 5,500 died as a result of poor care, torture, poor hygienic conditions or as a result of executions. The camp's guards consisted of Esercito , Carabinieri , Eritrean Askari and indigenous Zaptie .

The leader of the rebels, al-Muchtar, was captured in 1931, sentenced to death and hanged in front of 20,000 Libyans in the Soluch concentration camp .


  • Angelo Del Boca: Fascism and Colonialism - The Myth of the Decent Italians . Published in: Genocide and War Crimes in the First Half of the 20th Century . Ed .: Irmtrud Wojak and Susanne Meinl, Campus 2004, ISBN 3-593-37282-7 , p. 193 ff.
  • Aram Mattioli: The forgotten colonial crimes of fascist Italy in Libya 1923-1933 . Published in: Genocide and War Crimes in the First Half of the 20th Century . Ed .: Irmtrud Wojak and Susanne Meinl, Campus 2004, ISBN 3-593-37282-7 , pp. 203 ff.
  • Gustavo Ottolenghi: Gli Italiani e il colonialismo. I campi di detenzione italiani in Africa . Sugarco 1997, ISBN 978-8871983974 , (not accessed ).

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Aram Mattioli: The forgotten colonial crimes of Fascist Italy in Libya 1923-1933 . P. 218 f.
  2. ^ Campo di Concentramento Soluch on I Campi Fascisti, accessed March 21, 2017
  3. De Boca: Fascism and Colonialism - The Myth of the Decent Italians . P. 201