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Kalas or Kallas ( Greek Κάλας or Κάλλας; † at the latest 327 BC), son of Harpalus, was a Macedonian general of Alexander the Great . He was probably related to the treasurer Harpalus .

In 336 BC BC Kalas, together with Parmenion and Attalos, led the first troop contingents over the Hellespont to Asia. He conquered the interior of the Troas , but was pushed back to the Hellespont after a counteroffensive by Memnon . Here he held a bridgehead on which in the spring of 334 BC. BC Alexander and his army entered Asiatic soil and began the campaign against Persia . Kalas commanded the Thessalian cavalry at the Battle of Granikos . He was then appointed governor of the Province of Little Phrygia. Not only was he the first Macedonian governor in Asia at all, but he was also awarded the Persian satrap title, with which Alexander underscored his claim to the legitimate legal succession as the Persian great king. The old Persian administrative structures were retained. In his office, Kalas was also responsible for securing the strategically important Hellespont, which is why his province is often referred to as the Hellespontic Phrygia.

In 333 BC BC Kalas subjugated the Paphlagonians , who had previously voluntarily submitted to Alexander, but then allied with the Persians. While trying to conquer Bithynia , Kalas fell fighting the Bas dynast . He was replaced in office by Demarchus .

Individual evidence

  1. Diodorus , 17.17.4.
  2. Justin , 9.5.8; Diodorus, 16.91.2.
  3. Polyainos , Strategika 5.44.5.
  4. Arrian , Anabasis 1.17.8.
  5. ^ Curtius Rufus , 4.5.13.
  6. Memnon , FrGrHist 434 F1 §12.4.