Karl-Emil Schade

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Church in Hademarschen

Karl-Emil Schade (born July 5, 1927 in Itzehoe ; † December 17, 2007 in Itzehoe) was a German pastor and Bible translator.

Schade attended the Kaiser-Karl-Gymnasium in Itzehoe, took part in the Second World War as a marine and was taken prisoner by the Americans in Schwerin . In 1947 he graduated from high school, studied theology and was a pastor in Hademarschen from 1957 . In 1987 he had to give up his post for health reasons.

Karl-Emil Schade translated the entire Bible into the Low German language , especially into Holstein Platt . The German Language Association awarded him the Language Prize in 2007 for this achievement .



  • Heinz-Günter Schmitz: laudation for Pastor Karl-Emil Schade . In: Quickborn, Heft 1 2007, pp. 25–31.