Kazimierz Pyzik

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Kazimierz Pyzik (born June 10, 1955 in Krakow ) is a Polish composer, double bass player and gambist.

Pyzik studied double bass with Ryszard Daun , music theory with Aleksander Frączkiewicz and composition with Marek Stachowski at the Krakow Music Academy and gamba with Hartwig Groth at the Meistersinger Conservatory in Nuremberg and with Wieland Kuijken at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels .

As a gambist, Pyzik plays music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, performs with groups such as Fiori Musicali and the Camerata Cracovia , and leads his own viol ensemble. As a cellist and double bass player, however, he plays mostly music of the 20th century, works with ensembles such as MW2 and Olga Szwajgier quartet together and played numerous premieres of contemporary works. As a composer he won several national competitions, including the Artur Malawski competition. His works have been performed at major Polish festivals such as Warsaw Autumn, as well as in Germany, France, Yugoslavia, Denmark and the United States. From 1994 to 1997 Pyzik was a lecturer at the International Workshop for Contemporary Music in Krakow.


  • Medytacja na przemijanie for voice, viol and harpsichord (1977)
  • Concerto a tre per for violin, oboe and trombone with orchestra (1978)
  • Preludium i kanon for mixed choir and chamber orchestra (1978)
  • String Quartet (1978)
  • O!? , abstract opera (1978)
  • Musica speculativa for medieval instruments (1978)
  • Etiudy wirtuozowskie for various solo instruments (1979–81)
  • Sonata for flute and vibraphone (1980)
  • String Quintet (1980)
  • Trio in D major for double bass, organ and percussion instruments (1981)
  • Sonata for baroque oboe and basso continuo (1981)
  • Małe concertino for trombone and windsemblr (1981)
  • Octet for plucked instruments (1981)
  • Medytacja na zaskoczenie for soprano and double bass (1981)
  • Action I for orchestra (1982)
  • Wind quartet (1982)
  • Action II for orchestra (1983)
  • Stymulacje for oboe (1984)
  • Action III for orchestra and conductor (1984)
  • Symfonia nr 1 - 5 (1984-1995)
  • Tiento for double bass (1986)
  • Wind quartet (1992)
  • Limes per violoncello, contrabbasso, fisarmonica e 2 sintetizatori (1992)
  • Immersion for bassoon, double bass, string trio and harpsichord (1992)
  • Suita nr 4 for viola da gamba solo (1996)
  • Suita nr 6 for viola da gamba solo (1997)
  • Halucynacja nr 2 for prepared double bass and electronics (1999)
  • Halucynacja nr 4 for accordion and string quartet (1999)
  • Ex libris KP , instrumental theater (2003)
  • Le tombeau pour un Maître for piano (2005)
  • Toccata variopinta (Toccata pstrokata) for clarinet, trombone, cello and piano (2006)
