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Khadi (also Khaddar ; Devanagari : खादी, khādī ; Nastaliq : کھڈی or کھدر) usually refers to hand-spun cotton .

Khadi is India's hand-spun and hand-woven clothing. The raw material for the production can be cotton , silk , or wool and is processed on a spinning wheel called Charkha .

Khadi is a versatile fabric, cool in summer and warm in winter. Because the material is much coarser than other woven fabrics, it wrinkles easily and is therefore often starched to improve its appearance.

In the 1920s, began Mohandas Gandhi , the spinning of khadi to propagate. On the one hand, it should offer the agricultural population the possibility of self-sufficiency; on the other hand, khadi fabric should displace foreign fabric products. Gandhi himself only dressed in khadi. The flag of India is also made exclusively from khadi.

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