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Kinetocysts are cell organelles in sun animals (Heliozoa) and are a special form of extrusomes . Like all extrusomes, when stimulated, they release their content. Their exact function is not entirely clear; they may be used to catch prey.

Kinetocysts are 0.2 to 0.8 micrometers in size. They have a central inner part, which in turn is surrounded by a fibrous substance and closed off by a membrane. In the body they can be detected in axopodia and in the body.

Kinetocysts are only found in sun animals, but some radiation animals (radiolaria) have similar organelles.


  • Rudolf Röttger: Dictionary of Protozoology In: Protozoological Monographs, Vol. 2, 2001, pp. 120–121, ISBN 3826585992