Kleiber's law

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Body weight versus metabolic rate for some species.

Kleiber's law is an allometric law of scaling that describes the relationship between mass and metabolism of animals. It was set up by Max Kleiber .

According to this law, the metabolism scales with the power of 0.75 with the body mass  :

There is a normalization constant independent of body size .

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Max Kleiber : Body size and metabolism . In: Hilgardia . tape 6 , 1932, pp. 315-351 , doi : 10.3733 / hilg.v06n11p315 .
  2. ^ Max Kleiber: Body size and metabolic rate . In: Physiological Reviews . tape 27 , no. 4 , 1947, pp. 511-541 , PMID 20267758 .
  3. ^ Klaus Loeffler and Gotthold Gäbel: Anatomy and Physiology of Pets . 13th edition. Ulmer / UTB, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-8252-3924-4 , pp. 274 ( Google books ).