Climate Cent

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The climate cent on fuels is a "voluntary" measure of the oil industry in Switzerland. It was introduced to prevent CO 2 emissions on fuels. Such is the Swiss CO 2 -law provided for the case that "voluntary measures" of the industry - as in 2011 in sight - not lead to laws target: Parliament had a CO 2 -Abgabe in the amount of CHF 12 per tonne of CO 2 per Introduced at the beginning of 2008 only on fuels, but not on fuels.

In the Kyoto Protocol , Switzerland committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by an average of eight percent in the period from 2008 to 2012 compared to 1990; the CO 2 law provides for a ten percent reduction in carbon dioxide . A number of measures are required for this. In March 2005, the Swiss Federal Council decided to join the petroleum industry at the suggestion of the climate cent. The climate cent is a levy of 1.3 to 1.9 cents per liter, which importers voluntarily apply to all petrol and diesel imports . The income is used by the Climate Cent Foundation to “offset” greenhouse gas emissions at home and abroad.

In Germany, at least 0.2 million tons of the required reduction amount of 1.8 million tons are to be achieved; The Climate Cent Foundation can support the following measures, for example:

However, the emission reductions achieved by 2010 do not come from the transport sector; The target is missed and can only be achieved by purchasing emission rights, which makes a change to the ordinance necessary: ​​The 1.6 million tonnes, which can be compensated abroad by the required reduction amount of 1.8 million tonnes, were already planned a year before the planning period .

Emission rights from Switzerland's emissions trading system , including emission reduction certificates from the project-based mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol, are used to offset this. These are based on an internationally agreed framework. The projects that have been approved by the approval authority lead to tradable certificates that Switzerland can count towards meeting its reduction targets. With the funds available to it, the Climate Cent Foundation acquires certificates that it makes available to the Swiss Federal Council for the fulfillment of the Kyoto targets.


  1. Switzerland misses the CO2 target. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . June 10, 2011, accessed December 9, 2017 .
  2. ^ Website of the Climate Cent Foundation