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Ukrainian cornfields

As granary is figuratively an agriculturally fertile region called the far produced more than personal use, and with this surplus most of the grain requirements of another area covers. In a broader sense, the name can also be extended to areas with the production of other staple foods, such as rice, or generally agriculturally rich regions.

In ancient times, Egypt was considered the granary of the Roman Empire , which is why the province was of great importance. The Egyptian grain fleet supplied around a third of the grain required in Rome; this required control of the province by reliable administrators. In late antiquity , Constantinople was supplied with Egypt's grain, while the city of Rome now mainly obtained essential supplies from Africa . Africa remained the breadbasket of the western empire until the province was lost to the Vandals around 430 .

The Ukraine was due to the fertility of its black earth as the granary of the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union called what they are a target of Hitler the policy habitat in the East made. The yellow stripe in the flag of Ukraine represents the cornfields as the symbol of the country.

In connection with the economic collapse of Zimbabwe , it is often pointed out that southern Rhodesia was the breadbasket of southern Africa before Robert Mugabe came to power .

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Granary  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Duden: Granary , accessed on December 27, 2018.
  2. Claude Lepelley (ed.): Rome and the Empire 44 BC. BC - 260 AD. Vol. 2. The regions of the empire. Munich / Leipzig 2001, p. 488.
  3. Alexander Demandt : The late antiquity. 2nd Edition. Munich 2007, p. 390.
  4. ^ Christoph Gunkel: 70 years of "Operation Barbarossa". Mass murder in the granary. In: one day , June 10, 2011.
  5. ^ Rolf-Dieter Mütter: The other Holocaust. In: Zeit online , accessed on December 27, 2018.
  6. Flags of the World - Ukraine (English)
  7. World: From the granary to the poor house , November 17, 2017 , accessed on December 27, 2018.