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Under Krasenlehre illness perceptions are understood to assign to the mixture of humors fundamental to health and disease. The theory is based on earlier Krasis teachings (based for example on Alkmaion , Empedocles and Polybos, the pupil and son-in-law of Hippocrates ) and humoral pathological ideas of Polybos, Hippocrates and Galenus . In a narrower sense, the term was used in connection with the "blood pathology" Carl von Rokitanskys (1804–1878). After a clear criticism by Rudolf Virchow , Rokitansky dropped the Krasen doctrine.


  • Karl Eduard Rothschuh : On the history of the pathology of the blood, in particular on the theory of the sharpness, Krasen and other defects of the juices. At the same time a contribution to the history of humoral pathology between 1750 and 1850. In: Sudhoffs Archiv 35, 1942, pp. 293-311.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Grensemann : The doctor Polybos as the author of Hippocratic writings. Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz (Commissioned by Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden), Mainz 1968 (= Academy of Sciences and Literature. Treatises of the humanities and social sciences . Year 1968, No. 2), p. 80 f.
  2. Wolfgang Eckart: History of Medicine. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1990, ISBN 3-540-51982-3 .
  3. Hans Baumann: History of medicine. Books on Demand, 2004, ISBN 978-3-833-41361-2 , p. 343 ( limited preview in Google book search).