Kristian Arentzen

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Kristian Arentzen (born November 10, 1823 in Copenhagen , † December 30, 1899 ) was a Danish poet and literary historian .

Kr. Arentzen (1886)


Arentzen passed his master's degree in philosophy at the age of 30 , traveled to Iceland and Italy and then was a teacher at the metropolitan school for some time .

From 1872 he lived entirely his literary work with state support. His dramatic works Gunløg Ormetunge (1852) and Knud den Hellige (1855) are evidently influenced by Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger .

His poems Ein Lebensstadium (Et Livsstadium) , Collection of Poems (Digtsamling) and the New Collection of Poems (Ny Digtsagmling) have a strongly idealistic character. Thought poetry was seen as Arentzen's strength; However, the main focus of his literary activity fell on the literary history works, which include the eight-volume work Baggesen og Oehlenschläger: literaturhistorisk studie (1870-78), in which Danish literature was presented in detail for the first time at the beginning of the 19th century after careful source studies . In addition, Arentzen wrote the biography Adam Oehlenschläger for the poet's hundredth birthday : literaturhistorisk Livsbillede (1879) and Nordisk Mythologi (4th edition 1881).


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