Krystyna Borucińska

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Krystyna Borucińska-Żarnecka (* 1946 ) is a Polish pianist and music teacher.

Borucińska studied piano with Jan Wobożil , Irena Kirjacka and Jerzy Lefeld as well as chamber music with Zofia Vogtman and Kazimierz Wiłkomirski at the Warsaw Music Academy , where he held a professorship for chamber music. She appeared as a member of the piano trio Trio Warszawskie and in a duo with musicians such as Roman Jabłoński , Krzysztof Jakowicz , Andrzej Hiolski , Pierre Amoyal , Anna Karasińska and Olga Pasiecznik , gave concerts in almost all European countries, the USA, Canada, Mexico and Cuba and took part in numerous festivals for chamber music and new music (including Warsaw Autumn ). Among other things, she played world premieres of compositions by Witold Lutosławski , Marta Ptaszyńskas and Piotr Moss .

She paid particular attention to the realization of recordings, so she made several dozen hours of archive recordings for the Polish Radio and the BBC and a monographic recording of Karol Szymanowski's works with the violinist Krzysztof Jakowicz . In 2006 she published the book Gra a vista jako nieodzowny element wykształcenia muzyka about the importance of the prima vista game for music education.
