Kurt Tucholsky Society

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Logo of the Kurt Tucholsky Society

As a literary association, the Kurt Tucholsky Society wants to cultivate and promote the occupation with the life and work of Kurt Tucholsky . It is based in Tucholsky's native city Berlin . A newsletter appears three times a year as the publication organ of the Kurt Tucholsky Society. The Kurt Tucholsky Society also publishes its own series of publications, in which primarily the documentation of the scientific conferences it organizes every two years appear. Every two years it awards the Kurt Tucholsky Prize for literary journalism .


The company was founded on April 2, 1988 in Weiler-Simmerberg . Since then, 26 conferences have taken place at various locations in Germany and abroad. When choosing the location for the non-scientific conferences (the scientific conferences always take place in Tucholsky's native Berlin), references to Tucholsky's life are sought.

The society is a member of the Association of Literary Societies and Memorials. V.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://tucholsky-gesellschaft.de/
  2. Left, Roland: Many roads led to Weiler. in: Kurt Tucholsky Society (Hrsg.): 25 years of the Kurt Tucholsky Society 1988-2013 (= series of the Kurt Tucholsky Society, vol. 7). Röhrig Universitätsverlag St. Ingbert 2014. S. 16f. ISBN 978-3-86110-566-4 .
  3. http://tucholsky-gesellschaft.de/kurt-tucholsky-gesellschaft/tagungen/