Country Committee for Nuclear Energy

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The State Committee for Nuclear Energy (LAA) is a German body in which representatives of the nuclear licensing and supervisory authorities of the federal states are represented.


On December 18, 1956, the first meeting of the state officers on the approval of nuclear facilities took place under the direction of the Federal Minister for Nuclear Affairs . Since 1958, the term "State Committee for Nuclear Energy" has been used.

In the Federal Republic of Germany are questions of nuclear energy use federal matter, most tasks but are perceived by the German Federal of the individual federal states ( "Federal order management " under Article 87c of the Basic Law ). The LAA and its committees are particularly responsible for the federal legislation ( Atomic Energy Act with ordinances, the former Radiation Protection Provision Act , the Radiation Protection Act with ordinances, BfS Founding Act, ordinances of other laws such as Potassium Iodide Ordinance, Food Irradiation Ordinance, etc., the associated general administrative regulations and the sub-statutory regulations in this area) at the specialist level, to discuss the content and to bring in the experiences of the states from their implementation before a legislative or amendment project is submitted to the Bundestag and Bundesrat. In this respect, the LAA forms the “collective expertise” of the experts in the federal states. From a legal point of view, the results of its deliberations and decisions are not binding on the federal government, but - apart from the desired advice on the difficult border area between law, natural science and technology - the experts united in the LAA also represent the competent state authorities and are mostly those who Representatives of the state governments advise in the Federal Council. This gives the LAA a practical weight.


The state committee for nuclear energy today consists of a main committee and four technical committees:

  • Main committee
  • FA Reactor Safety - FA RS
  • FA Nuclear Supply and Disposal - FA VE (formerly " State Committee for Nuclear Energy - FA Fuel Cycle" - LAFAB)
  • FA Radiation Protection - FA S
  • FA Law - FA R

Note: In the committee work itself, no spacing is usually used - FARS, FAVE, FAS, FAR; the presiding federal authority mostly uses the "half abbreviation" - FA law, FA radiation protection, etc.

  • Additional working groups (not all currently active) for sub-areas or for individual questions that each work on the specialist committees:
    • AK supervision / reactor operation of the FA RS - questions of supervision (the "execution" in contrast to licensing issues - § 19 of the Atomic Energy Act)
    • AK Shutdown of the FA RS (in charge) and the FA VE - Shutting down plants while maintaining safety is an increasingly important issue in view of the legally required "exit" from the use of nuclear energy
    • AK Probabilistik des FA RS - the group of experts for probabilities and the corresponding evaluation of risks
    • AK procedural issues of the FA RS - especially organizational matters
    • AK Research Reactors of the FA RS - Not all nuclear reactors belong to nuclear power plants ; there are some universities and research institutes that operate reactors
    • AK security "fixed installations" of the FA RS - important not only since September 11th
    • AK Periodic Safety Review - Guideline - Nuclear power plants have to undergo periodic safety reviews; the AK advises on the relevant guidelines
    • AK Security " Transports " of the FA RS - not only for the spectacular large-scale events that the police of several federal states usually employ to secure, but also for the thousands of daily transports of radioactive substances in medicine and industry
    • AK operation of the FA BK
    • AK approval of the FA BK
    • AK Waste Control Guideline of the FA BK
    • AK Emission / Immission of the FA S - AK E + I: last meeting December 2000, then AK UR. Dealt with the emission of nuclear facilities in the environment or the resulting immission there.
    • AK Radiology of the FA S - Effects of radioactive substances and ionizing radiation on humans
    • AK Integrated Measurement System - AK IM: last meeting November 2000, then AK UR. Worked with the IMIS (integrated measurement and information system for monitoring environmental radioactivity according to the radiation protection precautionary law)
    • AK distribution key
    • AK Environmental Radioactivity - AK UR: from May 2001. It deals with both environmental radioactivity in the sense of the Radiation Protection Precautionary Act and with radioactivity in the vicinity of nuclear facilities
    • AK Approval of the FA S (lead) and the FA VE - matters of § 29 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance
    • AK Landessammelstellen des FA VE - The federal states have to set up collection points for radioactive waste from medicine and industry, in which the waste is temporarily stored until it is stored in a federal repository


The members of the main committee are at the moment (2009)

as well as the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (chair) and representatives of other federal authorities.

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