LEMO classification

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The LEMO classification is one of two common schemes for documenting the course and stage of the disease in endocrine orbitopathy . It is considered an extension of the NOSPECS classification developed by the American Thyroid Association . The LEMO scheme, which is a so-called facet classification , was first proposed by Boergen and Pickardt in 1991 .

The division is made with the preceding letter of the structures involved and a following number. L 1 E 2 M 0 O 2 stands for “only eyelid edema, conjunctival irritation in the morning, missing muscle changes and peripheral visual field defects”.

Before and during treatment, the LEMO scheme is an important aid in assessing the progression or therapy-related improvement of the clinical picture and provides a structured overview of the importance of important symptoms.

Symptoms class Finding
in the eyelids ( L )
0 missing
1 only eyelid edema
2 real retraction (impaired lid closure)
3 Retraction plus upper eyelid edema
4th Retraction plus upper and lower eyelid edema
Exophthalmos ( E ) 0 missing
1 without lid closure insufficiency
2 Conjunctival irritation in the morning
3 Conjunctival irritation constantly
4th Corneal complications
in the muscles ( M )
0 missing
1 only detectable with imaging methods
2 Pseudoparesis
3 Pseudoparalysis
Involvement of
the optic nerve ( O )
0 missing
1 only in color vision and in VEP
2 peripheral visual field defects
3 central visual field defects

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Albert J. Augustin: Ophthalmology. 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Springer, Berlin et al. 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-30454-8 , pp. 84-85, books.google.de .
  2. KP Boergen, CR Pickardt: New classification of endocrine orbitopathy. In: The Medical World. Vol. 42, 1991, ISSN  0025-8512 , pp. 72-76.
  3. K.-P. Boergen: Ophthalmological diagnosis in autoimmune orbitopathy. In: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes. Vol. 97, No. 2/3, 1991, ISSN  0947-7349 , pp. 235-242, doi : 10.1055 / s-0029-1211071 .
  4. E. Heufelder, D. Schworm, C. Hofbauer: The endocrine orbitopathy: current status on pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy . In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt . Vol. 93, 1996, pp. A-1336-A-1342.