Larry Bland

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Larry I. Bland (born 1940 in Indianapolis , USA; † November 27, 2007 in Lexington , Virginia , USA) was an American historian and director of the George Marshall Foundation.


Larry Bland studied physics at Purdue University and received a PhD in political history from the University of Wisconsin . After teaching at universities in North Carolina and Illinois and at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , he was director of the George Marshall Foundation ("The George C. Marshall Foundation") from 1977.


Bland was George C. Marshall's biographer . He has published numerous essays and works on George Marshall and the Marshall Plan , the USA's reconstruction program for Europe after World War II , as well as the Cold War , the Truman Doctrine and Averell Harriman . He worked on the completion of his six-volume work "The Papers of George Catlett Marshall" until his death.

He was the executive editor of the Journal of Military History for 19 years .

He has received several awards for his work, including the "Victor Gondos Memorial Service Award" from the Society for Military History .


  • Larry Bland, Fred L. Hadsel: The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: The Soldierly Spirit, December 1880 - June 1939 , Johns Hopkins University Press 1982, ISBN 0-8018-2552-0
  • Larry Bland, Clarence E. Wunderlin: The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: We Cannot Delay, July 1, 1939 - December 6, 1941 , Johns Hopkins University Press 1986, ISBN 0-8018-2553-9
  • Larry Bland, Sharon R. Ritenour: The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: The Right Man for the Job, December 7, 1941 - May 31, 1943 , Johns Hopkins University Press 1991, ISBN 0-8018-2967-4
  • Larry Bland, Sharon R. Ritenour: The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: Aggressive and Determined Leadership, June 1, 1943 - December 31, 1944 , Johns Hopkins University Press 1996, ISBN 0-8018-5368-0
  • Larry Bland, Sharon R. Ritenour: The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: The Finest Soldier, January 1, 1945 - January 7, 1947 , Johns Hopkins University Press 2004, ISBN 0-8018-7871-3
  • Larry Bland, Roger B. Jeans, Mark F. Wilkinson: George C. Marshall's Mediation Mission to China, December 1945 - January 1947 , Marshall George C Research 1998, ISBN 0-935524-04-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Dr. Larry I. Bland Dies of Heart Failure ” (PDF; 41 kB), The George C. Marshall Foundation