Teaching sample

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A teaching sample is the demonstration of a lesson by a teacher to other teachers who are authorized to evaluate. It can be part of teacher training or part of a regular or career assessment by the school supervisor. A written "teaching sample draft" must be submitted beforehand, which reveals the technical principles as well as the didactic and methodological planning.

Most of the teaching samples have to be shown in the teaching traineeship in order to prove the ability to teach in a study group at a school . They can be pure training samples for practice or intermediate assessment or test samples in the second state examination . Teaching samples must also be shown for promotion.

The teacher's preparation and implementation of the lessons are checked. Comprehensive technical, pedagogical , didactic and methodological aspects of the lesson shown are relevant . They range from purely technical errors to questions and dealing with unforeseen situations to conducting discussions. The main thing is the observable learning growth of the students. A teaching rehearsal usually lasts one hour of 45 minutes.

The completion of the teacher training is a teaching sample in each of the teacher training subjects studied in connection with further examination components. The examination commission includes the seminar leader , the department head , the headmaster and possibly other representatives of the school authorities. The regulations for the second state examination are very different in the federal states.

It is critically noted about teaching samples that they do not show the real skills of a teacher in 45 minutes of lessons, but can rather become a “theater show” in which an artificial situation is created. The development of new forms of learning and the change in the role of teachers to purely arrange learning opportunities are not given enough consideration.

In other apprenticeships, too, applicants are often asked to do a sample before they are hired. There are also training samples on career courses in the Bundeswehr.

Web links

Wiktionary: teaching sample  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations