Leonardo Argüello Barreto

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Leonardo Argüello Barreto (born August 29, 1875 in León (Nicaragua) , † December 15, 1947 in Mexico City , Mexico) was President of Nicaragua from May 1 to May 27, 1947 .


Leonardo Argüello Barreto was a physician in Leon (Nicaragua). In 1912 he became a member of the Partido Liberal (Nicaragua) . He participated in the Guerra Constitucionalista . He was deputy chairman of parliament, minister of education, minister of the interior and minister of foreign affairs.

As the representative of Juan Bautista Sacasa, he initiated negotiations in Managua in the presence of the US Ambassador Arthur Bliss Lane on the disarmament or release of imprisoned insurgents with Augusto César Sandino after the USMC withdrew . After no result had been achieved on February 20, 1934, Sandino was murdered the next day on the instructions of Somoza García.

Barrereto, who also worked as a writer and diplomat, ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for the Partido Liberal in the presidential election in 1936 . For the elections on February 2, 1947, he was set up at short notice in place of Anastasio Somoza García. Enoc Aguado Farfán received the most votes, but the PLN with Anastasio Somoza García as commander in chief of the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua regulated the elections. Some urns were kidnapped and the government declared its candidate Leonardo Argüello Barreto as the new president.


Barreto took the presidency on May 1, 1947 on the Loma de Tiscapa. In his government statement, he publicly stated:

"I will not be a simple incumbent president brought by the currents of tradition and customs."

After he took office, the abuses of the Guardia Nacional and a register of the property gains of Anastasio Somoza García were published. He conferred with commanders in the army without informing Anastasio Somoza García. He transferred Anastasio Somoza Debayle from commander of the first battalion to commander of the department of León. He confirmed the autonomy of the Universidad de Managua .


On May 26, 1947, Anastasio Somoza García Leonardo Argüello Barreto accused of conspiracy against him as commander of the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua and had the official residence, the Loma de Tiscapa , occupied. Anastasio Somoza García occupied the Palacio de Comunicaciones with 25 Guardias Nacionales. With a telegraph microphone he gave instructions to his tank and sent his troops to submission with the order: At 3:00 a.m., Leonardo Argüello Barreto was declared incompetent for the presidency at a parliamentary session. Because of “problemas mentales”, as the MP for Estelí, Adolfo Urrutia put it, he was deposed as president and accused of violating the unity and discipline of the army. Benjamin Lacayo Sacasa, who at that moment enjoyed the trust of Anastasio Somoza García, was appointed as his successor.


Four months after taking office, Argüello Barreto found asylum in the Mexican embassy in Managua. He stayed there for six months and then went into exile in Mexico without stepping down from the office of president.


The Nicaraguan parliament decreed state mourning on the occasion of his death .

Individual evidence

  1. Time , Dec. 29, 1947 Exile's Rest
  2. en: Vice President of Nicaragua
  3. ^ Time , Monday, Nov. 15, 1948 "I'm the Champ" Somoza, found that Leonardo Argüello, the stooge he had got elected, did not intend to be a stooge.
  4. ^ Time Jun. 09, 1947 Fat Dolly
predecessor Office successor
Anastasio Somoza García President of Nicaragua
May 1 – May 27 May 1947
Benjamin Lacayo Sacasa