Leopoldo Marechal

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Leopoldo Marechal

Leopoldo Marechal (born June 11, 1900 in Buenos Aires , † June 26, 1970 ibid) was an Argentine writer and educator.


Marechal studied at the "Mariano Moreno" college of education in Buenos Aires. After successfully completing his degree, he worked for several years at the Escuela Nacional de Belles Artes . In 1944 he was appointed inspector for schools in the greater Buenos Aires area . He held this office until 1946 and then took over the chair of aesthetics at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata .

In 1947, Marechal was elected director of the History and Folklore Commission. In addition to these offices, Marechal worked as a freelancer for various newspapers and magazines such as “ La Nación ”, “Sol y Luna”, “Proa” and the like. a.

15 days after his 70th birthday, Leopoldo Marechal died on June 26, 1970 in Buenos Aires, where he also found his final resting place.


As a lyricist, Marechal is a typical representative of ultraism with his early works . Over time he found his own style with which he could step out of the shadow of Leopoldo Lugones . Thematically, there is an increasing trend towards mystical renunciation of the world. With the increasing Catholicism he resembles Francisco Luis Bernárdez , in whose oeuvre a comparable change can be discerned.

With the novel Adán Buenosayres in 1948 Marechal made an important contribution to contemporary Argentine literature . The recognition of this work by the official literary criticism did not begin until well after the Second World War , as Marechal had lost a lot of sympathies through his admiration for Juan Perón .

Works (selection)

  • Los aguiluchos . 1922.
  • El centauro . 1940.
  • Odas para el hombre y la mujer . 1929.
  • Sonetos a Sophia . 1940.
  • Adán Buenosayres (1948)
  • El banquete de Severo Arcángelo (1965)
  • Megafon o la guerra (1970)
  • Antígona Vélez . 1951.
  • La batalla de José Juna . 1969.
  • Les tres caras de Venus . 1966.
  • Las claves de Adán Buenosayres . 1966.
    • English: Adam Buenosayres . University Press, Montreal 2014, ISBN 978-0-7735-4309-6 (translated by Norman Cheadle).
    • French: Adán Buenosayres (Collection UNESCO). Grasset, Paris 1995, ISBN 2-246-85167-X (EA Paris 1995, translated by Patrice Toulat).
    • Italian: Adán Buenosayres . Vallecchi, Florence 2010, ISBN 978-88-8427-149-5 (translated by Nicola Jacchia).
  • Metafísica de lo bello . 1941.


  • Graciela Coulson: "Don Juan". Drama metafísico de Leopoldo Marechal. In: Megafón. Revista interdisciplinaria. Vol. 3 (1977), No. 6, pp. 63-68, ISSN  0326-3053 .
  • Graciela Coulson: Leopoldo Marechal. La aventura metafísica. In: Hispamérica. Vol. 3 (1974) No. 7, pp. 29-39, ISSN  0363-0471 .
  • Claudia Hammerschmid: utopia of writing. Marcel Proust and Leopoldo Marechal. In: Cahiers d'Histoire des Littératures Romanes = Romance journal for the history of literature. Vol. 26 (2002), pp. 359-375, ISSN  0343-379X .
  • Ulrike Kröpfl: Leopolodo Marechal. In: Cahiers d'Histoire des Littératures Romanes = Romance journal for the history of literature. Vol. 21 (1997), pp. 393-415, ISSN  0343-379X (also published as a special edition).
  • María Rosa Lojo de Beuter: La mujer simbólica en la narrativa de Leopoldo Marechal. In: Ensayos de crítica literaria. Editorial de Belgarano, Buenos Aires 1983, pp. 9-112.
  • Graciela Maturo: El tema del mal en el "Don Juan" de Leopoldo Marechal. In: Megafón. Revista interdisciplinaria. Vol. 7 (1984), No. 14, pp. 91-110, ISSN  0326-3053 .
  • Jean-François Podeur: Le mythe de Pygmalio dans l'œuvre de Leopoldo Marechal. In: Mythes, Croyances et Religions. 2001, ISSN  0988-5234 .
  • Dieter Reichardt: Latin American authors. Literary dictionary and bibliography of German translations . Erdmann, Tübingen 1972, ISBN 3-7711-0152-2 , pp. 99-101.
  • Norman Cheadle: The Ironic Apocalypse in the Novels of Leopoldo Marechal ( Colección Támesis / Serie A; Volume 183). Támesis Books, London 2000, ISBN 1-85566-070-9 .
  • Graciela Coulson: Marechal. La pasión metafísica ( Collección Estudios Latinoamericanos; Vol. 12). Ediciones García Cambeiro, Buenos Aires 1974 (EA Buenos Aires 1973).
  • Ulrike Kröpfl: Leopoldo Marechal or the return of history. An investigation into the Hispanic American novel . Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 1995, ISBN 3-89354-859-9 (plus dissertation, University of Erlangen 1994).
  • Javier de Navascués: Adán Buenosayres, una novela total. Estudio narratológico . University Press, Pamplona 1992, ISBN 84-313-1177-0 .
  • José R. Pérez: Marechal. OS magna sonaturum . Editio Copista, Córdoba 2002, ISBN 987-9192-85-0 .
  • Jean-François Podeur: Don Juan, de Leopoldo Marechal. Du Mythe à l'allégorie du salut ( Theaters du Monde; Volume 3). Université d'Avignon, Institut de Recherches Internationales sur les Arts du Spectacle, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Avignon 1993.
  • Jean-François Podeur: La femme et l'enfance dans l'œuvre de Leopoldo Marechal . Dissertation, University of Paris 1986 (2 microfiches)
  • Rafael F. Squirru: Leopoldo Marechal . Ediciones Culturales Argentinas, Buenos Aires 1961.
  • Bettina Wenzel: The Buenos Aires novel. The literaryization of the metropolitan experience among contemporary Argentine writers . Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1999, ISBN 3-631-33673-X (plus dissertation, University of Kassel 1998).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Spanish National Library , accessed on August 30, 2019