Lilly Braumann-Honsell

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Lilly Honsell at the age of 17

Lilly Braumann-Honsell (born April 19, 1876 in Konstanz , † May 25, 1954 on the island of Reichenau ) was a German author, sailor and traveler through Europe, North Africa and North America. Her work is shaped by the landscape of Lake Constance, the Alemannic culture and her origins from a middle-class Baden family with a long tradition.


Bourgeois origin

Lilly Honsell was the second daughter of the Konstanz doctor Adolf Honsell (1840–1896) and Lina, nee. Seiz. She completed her school days in Konstanz and Karlsruhe and was encouraged by her father to sail on the Untersee of Lake Constance in her childhood . The family owned a holiday home (Markusstrasse 15) on the island of Reichenau , which had been equipped with a small private harbor since 1880 at the latest. One of the girl's uncle, Eugen Zardetti from Bregenz , owned the first private steam yacht on Lake Constance, the Passe Temps . Lilly Braumann-Honsell is considered to be the first active female sailor recorded for Lake Constance. Lilly Braumann-Honsell wrote several books about life on Lake Constance.

The hydraulic engineer and finance minister of Baden, Max Honsell, was her uncle. Her cousin Dorle Honsell married the writer Ludwig Finckh , who had settled just a few kilometers further on the Untersee (Lake Constance) .

Wandering life

Through her first marriage in 1896 with the magistrate Gustav Waag she stayed in southern Germany, through her second marriage in 1909 with Friedrich Braumann she came to northern Germany. She moved to the island of Reichenau at the end of the First World War. Her husband died in 1919 in the reserve hospital in Konstanz. After two marriages with her own servants, she now lived in poverty. She broadened her horizons by traveling to Italy and as a book kiosk seller on Hapag-Lloyd ships to New York.

Troubled times

After she had agreed to Johann Georg Elser's assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler , Lilly Braumann-Honsell was arrested for a day through denunciation to the Gestapo, described as harmless by a doctor friend of the family and released again. It was not a member of the Reichsschriftkammer, but was also not included in the list of harmful and undesirable literature. The new edition of her work Small World - Big World was no longer possible during the time of National Socialism.

Braumann-Honsell wrote:

“1938 'Small world - big world, women experience a century on Lake Constance', a novel whose reprint was soon banned by the Propaganda Ministry after I was imprisoned by the Gestapo in 1939 and after my release I was under permanent control."

On May 17, 1945, like the population, she had to leave the island of Reichenau for weeks at the behest of the military administration.


After the Second World War, she was allowed to publish her books in the French occupation zone . She lived on Reichenau below today's Lilly-Braumann-Honsell-Weg in a house that she had built on the site of the former family vacation home of her parents in Constance.


The Lilly-Braumann-Honsell-Weg on Reichenau is named after Lilly Braumann-Honsell.

Festschriften were published on her 70th birthday and on her 75th birthday.

According to her last wish, after her death, her ashes were scattered in the Untersee with special permission from the authorities.


Published works

  • Prinzessinnenstündle (fairy tales from Reichenau), 1940. First published in 1913.
  • A German heart in a big time (impressions of a young girl), Stuttgart 1915. First published in 1914.
  • The people and life of the Reichenau. In: The culture of the Reichenau Abbey. Commemorative pamphlet for the twelve hundredth anniversary of the founding year of the island monastery 724–1924. 1925, Part 2, pp. 1052-1076.
  • Lake Constance ahoy! With 11 art print panels. (Sailing turn from Reichenau, under the Rhine bridge to Konstanz, Überlingen, Friedrichshafen, Lindau, Bad Schachen, Rorschach, Allensbach, Stein am Rhein. A round trip from the lake view in a conversational tone.) Oberbadische Verlagsanstalt Merk & Co., K.-G., Konstanz 1947. First published in 1936.
  • Small world - big world. Women experience a century on Lake Constance . With 24 art print panels. (Lifestyle of women of the upper social class in the 19th century from the great-great-grandmother to the time of Braumann-Honsell. Focus on Konstanz and Reichenau.). Merk & Co. publishing house, Konstanz 1951. ISBN 3-922305-02-4 . First published in 1938 and reissued in 1951, 1981 and 1988.
  • Autour du Lac de Constance . 1947. (French translation of Bodensee ahoy! )
  • Master Lang and his watches . 1948. (watchmaker as a poet).
  • From Lake Constance to the Mediterranean. Cheerful travel experiences in the south. Merk & Co. publishing house, Konstanz 1949. (Mediterranean compared to Lake Constance).

Unpublished works

  • The chain. (Family novel for the period from 1910 to 1930).
  • Cooking recipes, love letters and marriage. (Novella).
  • What wind and waves know. (Lake Constance).
  • Victim. (Play).
  • Be human. (Play).
  • The right to lie. (Play).
  • Svanhilda. (historical drama).
  • Experienced seasons. (Poems about Lake Constance).


  • Under the spell of Lake Constance. The poet Lilly Braumann - Honsell as greetings and thanks from friends and publishers on her 70th birthday on April 19, 1946 . Oberbadische Verlagsanstalt Merk + Co. K.-G., Konstanz 1946
  • Lilly Braumann-Honsell on her 75th birthday - April 19, 1951 . Merk & Co. publishing house, Constance 1951
  • Ekkehard Faude: Something about the life and stories of the lake dweller Lilly Braumann-Honsell , in: Lilly Braumann-Honsell: Small world - large world . New edition. Faude, Konstanz 1981, ISBN 3-922305-02-4 , pp. 301-332

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Date and place of birth: Festschrift Lilly Braumann-Honsell on her 75th birthday - April 19, 1951. Merk & Co. publishing house, Konstanz 1951. Mein Leben, p. 2
  2. Authentic documents received from Elmar J. Kühn on November 4, 2010: Copy of Lilly Braumann-Honsell's obituary and copies from the festschrift Lilly Braumann-Honsell on her 75th birthday.
  5. Ekkehard Faude: Some about life and telling of the lake dweller Lilly Braumann-Honsell , in: Lilly Braumann-Honsell: Small world - large world . New edition. Faude, Konstanz 1981, ISBN 3-922305-02-4 , pp. 301-332
  6. Ekkehard Faude: Some about life and telling of the lake dweller Lilly Braumann-Honsell , in: Lilly Braumann-Honsell: Small world - large world . New edition. Faude, Konstanz 1981, ISBN 3-922305-02-4 , pp. 301-332
  7. Quoted from the Festschrift Lilly Braumann-Honsell on her 75th birthday - April 19, 1951. Merk & Co. publishing house, Konstanz 1951. Mein Leben, pp. 3–4
  8. ↑ Authorization to release 1947 on the last page of the book Bodensee ahoi! with the wording GMZFO, Visa No. 2887 / L de la Direction de L'Education Publique, Authorization No. 2741 de la Direction de l'Information.
  9. Who was Lilly Braumann-Honsell? Lilly-Braumann-Honsell-Weg. In: Anzeiger from August 28, 2013.
  10. Ekkehard Faude: Some about life and telling of the lake dweller Lilly Braumann-Honsell , in: Lilly Braumann-Honsell: Small world - large world . New edition. Faude, Konstanz 1981, ISBN 3-922305-02-4 , pp. 301-332
  11. Festschrift Lilly Braumann-Honsell on her 75th birthday - April 19, 1951. Merk & Co. publishing house, Konstanz 1951. Mein Leben, pp. 2–4 as well as The work of the poet, pp. 5–7