Lise Meitner Lectures

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The Lise Meitner Lectures (LML) are a series of events organized by the German Physical Society (DPG) and the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG) in honor of Lise Meitner . The aim of this annual series of events is to introduce outstanding women scientists to a broad audience.

The LML lecture series aims to increase the visibility of successful women researchers in physics in the general public and inspire young women to study physics.


  • 2019: Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop , "Sculpted light in nano- and microsystems"
  • 2017/18: Nicola Spaldin , "New Materials for a New Age" (DPG 2018 / ÖPG 2017)
  • 2017/18: Johanna Stachel , "Research into big bang matter on the LHC world machine" (DPG 2017 / ÖPG 2018)
  • 2016: Petra Schwille , "Can life be constructed?"
  • 2015: Cornelia Denz , "Material in a new light - how tailor-made light can structure and arrange matter"
  • 2014: Felicitas Pauss , "The Higgs particle: making the invisible visible and the impossible possible"
  • 2013: Jocelyn Bell Burnell , "Pulsars and Extreme Physics"
  • 2012: Renate Loll , "More than meets the eye: probing the planckian structure of spacetime"
  • 2010: Anna Frebel , "The oldest stars in the universe and the chemical evolution of our galaxy"
  • 2009: Cecilia Jarlskog , "Symmetries - Exact and Broken"
  • 2008: Mildred Dresselhaus , "Why are we so excited about nano-carbons?"

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