List of members of the Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament (5th electoral term)

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This list gives an overview of all members of the Landtag of Schleswig-Holstein in the 5th electoral period (October 29, 1962 to April 28, 1967).



After the state elections on September 23, 1962, the state parliament was composed as follows:

Group leaders


Surname born Political party Constituency /
state list
Heinz Adler 1912 SPD Country list
Matthias Andresen 1904 CDU Husum-Eiderstedt 40.5
Berthold Bahnsen 1913 SSW Country list
Rudolf Basedau 1897 SPD Lauenburg-Stormarn 43.3
Hermann Boehrnsen 1900 CDU Rendsburg-Nord 45.5
Anna Brodersen 1903 SPD Kiel-South 53.7
Paul Bromme 1906 SPD Lübeck-Travemünde 47.3
Ludwig Claussen 1906 CDU Südtondern 51.2
Walter Damm 1904 SPD Pinneberg-Elbmarschen 44.9
Gustav Drevs 1907 CDU Lauenburg-North 49.9
Hermann Engels 1909 SPD Country list
Heinrich Fischer 1909 SPD Country list
Hermann Franck 1908 SPD Country list
Jürgen Frenzel 1922 SPD Elmshorn 49.1 retired on June 6, 1964
Herbert Gerisch 1922 CDU Country list joined Hans-Jürgen Klinker on January 9, 1963
Gerhard Gerlich 1911 CDU Plön-South 44.5 died on December 27, 1962
Otto Gramcko 1901 SPD Stormarn-South 42.2
Erich Hagenah 1898 SPD Country list
Kai-Uwe von Hassel 1913 CDU Flensburg-West 36.0 retired on October 2, 1965
Hans-Joachim Herbst 1918 FDP Country list
Claus-Joachim von Heydebreck 1906 CDU Steinburg-Süd 43.7
Hans Holtorff 1906 CDU Segeberg North 45.8
Peter Jensen 1890 CDU Flensburg-Land 50.7
Erwin Juergens 1895 CDU Norderdithmarschen 50.2
Wilhelm Käber 1896 SPD Kiel East 59.2
Otto F. Card 1907 CDU Country list
Hans-Alwin Ketels 1913 CDU Country list joined Kai-Uwe von Hassel on October 14, 1965
Erna Kilkowski 1907 CDU Country list
Heinz Klinke 1925 SPD Plön-North 43.5
Hans-Jürgen Klinker 1921 CDU Südangeln-Schwansen 51.2 retired on January 9, 1963
Knud Knudsen 1912 CDU Rendsburg-East 49.5
Klaus Köberle 1931 CDU Country list
Klaus Konrad 1914 SPD Country list
Ernst Cool 1906 CDU Pinneberg East 43.9
Lesko von Langendorff 1909 CDU Country list joined Edo Osterloh on February 27, 1964
Fritz Latendorf 1924 CDU Eutin North 46.5
Helmut Lemke 1907 CDU Segeberg-South 46.1
Bernhard Leverenz 1909 FDP Country list retired on May 25, 1963
Elly Linden 1895 SPD Lübeck-North 49.8
Erwin Lingk 1920 SPD Country list
Heinz Lund 1925 SPD Country list
Walter Lurgenstein 1906 SPD Country list died on November 13, 1964
Volkert Martens 1897 CDU Husum country 56.0
Walter Mentzel 1899 CDU Eckernförde 45.0
Konrad Meyer 1902 CDU Stormarn North 43.0
Hermann Meyn 1907 SPD Country list
Friedrich Noll 1920 SPD Steinburg East 41.8
Lena worried 1898 CDU Lübeck-Center 45.9
Edo Osterloh 1909 CDU Steinburg-Süderdithmarschen 42.5 died on February 25, 1964
Paul Preuss 1897 SPD Country list
Heinz Probandt 1919 FDP Country list joined Bernhard Leverenz on May 30, 1963
Martin Redeker 1900 CDU Country list
Erwin Riegel 1922 SPD Country list
Paul Rohloff 1912 CDU Lauenburg-Süd 44.8
Wilhelm Rohwedder 1898 CDU Oldenburg 43.9
Hartwig Schlegelberger 1913 CDU Flensburg-East 39.5
Ernst Schoof 1901 CDU Süderdithmarschen 52.0
Hinrich Schröder 1906 FDP Country list
Kurt Schulz 1922 SPD Country list
Annemarie Schuster 1917 CDU Country list
Hermann Schwieger 1908 SPD Country list
Arthur Schwinkowski 1908 CDU Kiel center 54.1
Wilhelm Siegel 1890 SPD Country list
Hans Wilhelm Sievers 1912 CDU Rendsburg-West 57.3
Werner Simmann 1916 CDU Eutin South 44.4
Walter Stams 1898 SPD Kiel-North 47.0
Jochen Steffen 1922 SPD Country list
Ernst-Wilhelm Stojan 1926 SPD Country list joined Jürgen Frenzel on June 6, 1964
Gerhard Strack 1911 SPD Kiel-West 47.4
Jürgen Thee 1910 CDU Schleswig 52.1
Walter Tiemann 1926 SPD Neumunster 49.7
Anni Trapp 1901 SPD Country list joined Walter Lurgenstein on November 24, 1964
Wolfgang Weimar 1922 CDU Country list joined Gerhard Gerlich on December 31, 1962
Margarete White 1912 FDP Country list
Heinrich Wolff 1909 CDU Lübeck-South 49.1
Heinrich Wolgast 1905 FDP Country list