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Lorenzaccio is an 1834 drama by Alfred de Musset and George Sand .

Table of contents

Florence suffers from the tyranny of Duke Alexandre, a Medici bastard; the young Lorenzo is supposed to kill the tyrant. Marie Soderini, Lorenzo's mother, worries about the development of her child and regrets his cowardice as well as the loss of his love for truth and generosity towards the poor ...

More than sixty years passed between the first edition of Musset's romantic drama and its premiere. In fact, Lorenzaccio appeared in 1834, but was not performed for the first time until December 3, 1896 with Sarah Bernhardt .

main characters

  • Lorenzo de Médicis ( Lorenzaccio ), cousin of the Duke of Florence
  • Marie Soderini , mother of Lorenzo
  • Alexandre de Médicis , Duke of Florence
  • Philippe Strozzi , banker and Republican
  • Cardinal Cibo , representative of the Pope
  • Pierre Strozzi , conspirator;
  • Catherine Ginori , Lorenzo's aunt.


  • Alfred de Musset: Lorenzaccio. Texts integral et dossier . Gallimard, Paris 2003, ISBN 2-07-030255-5
  • Pierre Barbéris: Lorenzaccio de Musset. Series: Balises Oeuvres. Fernand Nathan, Paris 1993 ISBN 2091885827