Lothar pouch

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Lothar Beutel (born May 6, 1902 in Leipzig , † May 16, 1986 in Berlin-Steglitz ) was a German pharmacist and SS leader. At the time of National Socialism he was head of the SD Upper Section Saxony and leader of Einsatzgruppe IV in German-occupied Poland .


After the First World War he was a member of the Escherich Freikorps and graduated from high school . From 1921 to 1923 he served with the 11th Infantry Regiment and then briefly with the 38th Reichswehr Infantry Regiment.Bag took up a degree in pharmacy, economics and art history and worked as a licensed pharmacist after completing his studies and after the transfer of power to the National Socialists in 1933 Deputy Reichsapothekerführer. During the Weimar Republic he was active in national organizations.

At the security service (SD)

At the beginning of June 1929 he joined the NSDAP ( membership number 135.238) and in May 1930 the SS (membership number 2.422) and was appointed SS-Untersturmführer on June 19, 1931. Since autumn 1932 he organized the establishment of the security service of the SS (SD) in Saxony . On November 9, 1932, he was promoted to SS-Hauptsturmführer and on July 1, 1933 to SS-Obersturmbannführer. At the beginning of 1934 he was appointed full-time head of the SD Upper Section of Saxony and promoted to SS Standartenführer on April 20, 1934.

The leader of the SS-Oberabschnitt Mitte in Dresden, Friedrich Karl von Eberstein , announced in a post-war statement that while the so-called Röhm revolt was put down on June 30, 1934 , Beutel had executed execution orders on behalf of him. He was promoted to SS-Oberführer on January 20, 1936. In 1935 he was councilor in Chemnitz . He ran unsuccessfully in the Reichstag elections in 1936 and 1938 .

In December 1937, Beutel was appointed the first inspector of the Security Police and the SD in Bavaria and was responsible in this role for military districts VII (Munich) and XIII (Nuremberg). The task of these inspectors was the coordination between the security police and the state administration, the Gauleiter and the Wehrmacht . At the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior , he also took on the role of deputy head of the police department and a consultant. From 1938 to October 1939 he was in charge of the state police headquarters in Munich . On April 20, 1939, Beutel was promoted to SS brigade leader.

With the "Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police" in Poland

After the beginning of the Second World War , during the attack on Poland , Beutel took over the leadership of Einsatzgruppe IV of the " Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police ". Their task consisted of “fighting all elements hostile to the Reich and anti-German against the back of the fighting force” and at the same time destroying the Polish intelligentsia as comprehensively as possible . Task Force IV was assigned to the 4th Army under General Günther von Kluge and consisted of the following two task forces (EK):

According to statements by Walter Hammer before the public prosecutor's office at the Berlin Regional Court on July 20, 1965, Beutel shot at least 80 Poles on September 12, 1939 in retaliation for the ethnic Germans who were murdered on the “ Bromberg Bloody Sunday ” . According to Hammer's statement that the shootings lasted all day, a higher number of victims can be assumed.

Bag was also a participant in a large meeting in Berlin on September 21, 1939, which Reinhard Heydrich held with the chiefs of the Reich Security Main Office , Adolf Eichmann and the leaders of the Einsatzgruppen. Heydrich also informed the participants about the destined fate of the Jews and Poles and explained:

“The deportation of Jews to the foreign-language Gau, deportation across the demarcation line is approved by the Führer. However, the whole process should be spread over a year. The solution to the Polish problem - as already stated several times - differs according to the leadership class (intelligentsia of the Poles) and the lower working class of Poland. Of the political leadership in the occupied territories, at most 3% remains. These 3% also have to be rendered harmless and are sent to concentration camps . [...] The primitive Poles are to be integrated into the work process as migrant workers and will gradually be relocated from the German districts to the foreign-language district. "

In summary, Heydrich stated:

"1.) Jews as quickly as possible into the cities,
2.) Jews from the Reich to Poland,
3.) the remaining 30,000 gypsies also to Poland,
4.) systematic deportation of Jews from the German areas with freight trains."

As a result of his role, like all the other Einsatzgruppenführer, Beutel was informed firsthand about the intentions of the top leadership.

Task Force IV was stationed in Warsaw at the beginning of October 1939. From September 13, 1939 to October 23, 1939, Beutel worked as commander of the Security Police and the SD (KdS) in Warsaw.

Expulsion and re-entry into the SS

On October 23, 1939, Beutel was replaced and arrested as leader of Einsatzgruppe IV by his previous deputy, Josef Meisinger , for embezzlement and personal gain . He was sent to the Dachau concentration camp , was demoted to an SS man and then expelled from the SS. In a punishing unit of the SS division "Totenkopf" he was given the opportunity to rehabilitate himself in the French campaign. On November 9, 1940, Beutel was reassigned to the General SS as SS-Hauptsturmführer.

Due to a poor arm, Beutel worked as a department head in the Reichsapothekenkammer. In 1944 he was used again in the Waffen SS , wounded in Hungary and arrested in Berlin in June 1945 .

After the end of the war

Bag was taken prisoner of war by the Soviets , from which he was only released in October 1955. Then he got back on his feet as a pharmacist in West Berlin. On May 20, 1965, Beutel was arrested and taken into custody, from which he was released on December 14, 1967 on bail of 50,000 DM. A criminal case against him and others for the retaliatory measures in Poland on September 12, 1939 was discontinued by a decision of the Berlin Regional Court on March 26, 1971 due to a lack of evidence.


  • Michael Wildt : Generation of the Unconditional. The leadership corps of the Reich Security Main Office. Hamburger Edition, Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-930908-75-1 .
  • Helmut Krausnick , Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm: The troop of the Weltanschauung war. The Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and SD 1938–1942. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-421-01987-8 .
  • Carsten Schreiber: Elite in Hidden - Ideology and Regional Rule Practice of the Security Service of the SS and its Network Using the Example of Saxony , Studies on Contemporary History, Volume 77, Oldenbourg Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-486-58543-8 , p . 40 ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Joachim Lilla: Pouch, Lothar. In: Minister of State, senior administrative officials and (NS) functionaries in Bavaria from 1918 to 1945.
  2. Michael Wildt: Generation of the Unconditional. The leadership corps of the Reich Security Main Office. Hamburg 2002, p. 446.
  3. Minutes of the meeting of September 21, 1939 in: Bundesarchiv R 58/825.
  4. Carsten Schreiber: Elite in Hidden - Ideology and Regional Rule Practice of the Security Service of the SS and its Network Using the Example of Saxony , Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-486-58543-8 , p. 46.