Lotty Rosenfeld

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Lotty Rosenfeld (born June 20, 1943 in Santiago de Chile ; † July 24, 2020 ; actually Carlota Eugenia Rosenfeld Villarreal ) was a Chilean action artist .


Between 1964 and 1968 she studied at the Escuela de Artes Aplicadas in Santiago with Florencia de Amesti, Eduardo Vilches and Kurt Herdan.

Lotty Rosenfeld died in July 2020 at the age of 77 years at a cancer .


With her temporary installations and actions, Lotty Rosenfeld intervenes in public space by creating irritations for the public or the regulatory authorities with changes, additions or additions to the white road markings . She applies her marker strips to the road surface with white acrylic paint or adhesive tape and documents her action and the subsequent reaction of the audience through film recordings . “A small, precise intervention is all it takes and all of a sudden everyday perception is no longer familiar. A line can be a weapon. "(Inka Gressel)


Her first intervention took place in 1979 on an important thoroughfare in her hometown of Santiago de Chile. In this action Una Milla de Cruces sobre el Pavimento (A mile of crosses on the asphalt), she alienated the marking strips of the road and added cross lines to make crosses , an eminently political one in what was then Chile , which was ruled by a military regime under Augusto Pinochet Action. Months later, Rosenfeld publicly showed the film recordings of this intervention in the same place on a large projection surface and also recorded this event.

She repeated this action in 1983 in Berlin and 1989 in Chile. She was represented with two works at the documenta 12 in Kassel : with an action in the public street space, but the city ​​cleaning office in Kassel reacted predictably and removed the irritating, stuck-on white horizontal lines even before Documenta 12 opened. She justified this with the traffic hazard presented by the changed lane markings. On the other hand with a video presentation: Her 1979 film Milla de Cruces sobre el Pavimento (5:15 min.) From the action of the same name was shown.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1997 5th International Istanbul Biennial , Istanbul
  • 1999 Chile: Austria - An Artistic Dialogue , Tiroler Landesmuseum , Innsbruck ; Upper Austrian State Museum , Linz
  • 2001 3rd Bienal do Mercosul , Porto Alegre ; MAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Obras Experimentales (1979–1995) , Santiago
  • 2002 II Bienal Internacional de Arte de Buenos Aires , Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires
  • 2003 MAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. Universidad de Chile, Tráfico , Santiago; Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo , São Paulo, Arte Contemporânea Chilena Traços da Razão ; MAVI - Museo de Artes Visuales, Materia reflección y sueños , Santiago
  • 2007 Kunsthalle Berlin-Lichtenberg, Berlin; Documenta 12, Kassel; Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Arte de los ochenta y grupo CADA, Santiago

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paula Valles: A los 77 años muere Lotty Rosenfeld, la artista que dibujó cruces contra el poder. In: latercera.com . July 24, 2020, accessed July 24, 2020 (Spanish).
  2. ^ In: documenta 12 , catalog, p. 110
  3. Walter Ismeni: scraped; Street cleaning removes Documenta artwork. In: Spiegel Online . June 15, 2007, accessed July 24, 2020 .