Lucius Antistius Burrus

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Lucius Antistius Burrus († 189) was a Roman politician and senator in the last third of the 2nd century.

His status is unclear despite the suffect consulate of his father Quintus Antistius Adventus Postumius Aquilinus , but he was probably a patrician . He was married to a sister of the Emperor Commodus , Vibia Aurelia Sabina. Together with his imperial brother-in-law, he was a full consul in 181 .

However, seven years after the vote of confidence, Antistius Burrus became involved in a conspiracy against Commodus. He is said to have been thought of by other senators from North Africa, including Gaius Arrius Antoninus, as a candidate for the imperial throne and was therefore killed by the Praetorian prefect Marcus Aurelius Cleander after the later emperor Pertinax reportedly reported him.



  1. Historia Augusta , Pertinax 3.7.