Ludlow Castle

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Ludlow Castle from the southeast

Ludlow Castle is a ruined medieval fortress in Ludlow in the English county of Shropshire . It stands on a headland above the River Teme . The castle was probably built by Walter de Lucy after the Norman conquest of England as one of the first stone castles in England. During the civil war of the 12th century , the castle passed through different hands of the Lucy family and rival clans and was further strengthened with a donjon and a large outer castle . In the middle of the 13th century, Ludlow Castle went to Geoffrey de Geneville , who had parts of the inner castle renewed. The castle played an important role in the Second Barons' War . Roger Mortimer acquired the castle in 1301. He had the inner castle expanded and his family held Ludlow Castle for over a century.

Richard the Duke of York inherited the castle in 1425 and it became an important symbol of the power of the House of York in the Wars of the Roses . When Richard's son, Edward IV , ascended the throne in 1461, the castle became the property of the crown. Ludlow Castle was designated the seat of the Council in the Marches of Wales , effectively making it the capital of Wales , and was extensively renovated throughout the 16th century. At the beginning of the 17th century, the castle was almost luxuriously equipped and there were cultural events such as B. the world premiere of John Milton's mask play Comus . During the English Civil War of the 1640s, Ludlow Castle was held by the royalists until it was besieged and captured by the Roundheads in 1646 . The interior of the castle was sold and the castle served as a garrison for most of the interregnum .

The Stuart Restoration in 1660 reinstated the council and repaired the castle, but Ludlow Castle never recovered from the years of civil war and when the council was finally abolished in 1689 the castle fell into disuse. Henry Herbert , the Earl of Powis , leased the castle from the Crown in 1772 and had the ruins restored. His brother-in-law, Edward Clive bought the castle in 1811. A mansion was built in the outer bailey, but the rest of the castle remained largely untouched, drew increasing numbers of visitors and became a popular spot for artists. After 1900, Ludlow Castle was cleared of the overgrown undergrowth and extensively repaired by the Powis estate administration and government agencies over the course of the 20th century. Today, in the 21st century, it still belongs to the Earl of Powis and serves as a tourist attraction.

The architecture of Ludlow Castle, with its different architectural styles, reflects the castle's long history. The castle has an area of ​​about 152 × 133 meters, which corresponds to almost 2 hectares. In the outer bailey you will find the Castle House , which is now used by the estate administration, while in the inner bailey, which is separated from the outer bailey by a ditch cut into the stone, the donjon, a solar block (salon for the family), a block for the knight's hall and parade bedroom, as well as fixtures from the 16th century and a rare, circular chapel over a holy grave . English Heritage notes that the castle ruins are "a remarkably complete complex from different ages" and considers Ludlow Castle to be "one of England's finest castles".


11th century

Ludlow Castle, built on a rocky headland, seen here across the River Teme.

Ludlow Castle was probably built around 1075 at the instigation of Walter de Lucy. Walter Lucy arrived in England as a member of William FitzOsbern's household during the Norman conquest of England in 1066. FitzOsbern was named Earl of Hereford and entrusted with the settlement of the area. At the same time, several castles were built in the west of the county to secure the border with Wales. Walter de Lacy was the Earl's vice-president and received 163 manors spread over seven counties, 91 of them in Herefordshire alone.

Walter de Lacy had the construction of a castle in the manor Stanton Lacy begin; the fortress was originally called Dinham Castle and was then renamed Ludlow Castle. Ludlow Castle was Walter de Lacy's main castle. It was in the center of his new lands and at an important intersection over the Teme River on an easily defended ledge. Walter de Lacy died in a construction site accident in Hereford in 1085. He was followed by his son, Roger de Lacy .

The Norman stone fortifications were believed to have been added to the castle in the 1080s and their construction was completed before 1115. They were located around today's core castle and formed a stone version of a ring work. They consisted of four towers, a gatehouse tower , and castle walls with a moat cut from the rock along two sides. The rubble so removed was used to build the houses in the castle, making Ludlow Castle one of the very first masonry castles in England. With its circular layout and magnificent gate tower, it corresponded to the earlier Anglo-Saxon burh constructions. In 1096, Roger de Lacy lost all of his lands after rebellion against William II . They passed to Roger's brother, Hugh de Lacy .

12th Century

The Great Tower built in the middle of the 12th century (center) and the entrance to the inner castle from the end of the 12th century (right)

Hugh de Lacy died childless in about 1115, and Henry I gave Ludlow Castle and most of the surrounding lands to Hugh's niece, Sybil , and married her to Pain FitzJohn , one of his domestic servants. Pain FitzJohn used Ludlow Castle as the baron's seat and headquarters for his estates. These surrounding lands and knight's fees in turn supported the castle and its defenses. Pain FitzJohn died fighting the Welsh in 1137, causing a battle for inheritance at the castle. Roger Fitzmiles , who wanted to marry Pain FitzJohn's daughter, claimed the castle, as did Roger de Lacy's son Gilbert . At that time, Stephan had just ascended the English throne, but his position was still uncertain and he therefore gave the castle in 1137 to Roger FitzMiles, who promised him political support in return.

Soon anarchy broke out , a civil war between Stephan and Empress Matilda and Gilbert de Lacy took the opportunity to rise up against Stephan and take Ludlow Castle. Stephan responded by sending an army to the Welsh Marches , where he gained additional support through the marriage of Sybil to one of his knights, Josce de Dinan , and the promise of future ownership of Ludlow Castle to the two. Stephen's troops conquered the castle after several attempts in 1139, with Stephan rescuing his ally, Prince Henry of Scotland , when he got caught in a hook that had been thrown over the castle walls by the garrison. Gilbert de Lacy, however, still insisted that he was the rightful owner of Ludlow Castle, and a private war broke out between him and Josce de Dinan. Gilbert de Lacy was finally successful and captured the castle a few years before the end of the civil war in 1153. In the end, however, he moved to the Levant and left the castle first in the hands of his eldest son, Robert, and then, after Robert's death, in those of Robert's younger brother, Hugh de Lacy .

During this time, the Great Tower , a kind of donjon , was built from the gate tower , either during the siege in 1139 or at the time of the private war between Gilbert de Lacy and Josce de Dinan. The old Norman castle had also become too small for the growing household, and so, probably between 1140 and 1177, an outer bailey was added to the south and east of the original castle, creating a large, open space. This moved the entrance to the castle from south to east, across from the growing city of Ludlow. Gilbert de Lacy probably had the circular chapel built inside the main castle because it resembled the churches of the Knights Templar , which he later joined.

Hugh de Lacy took part in the Anglo-Norman conquest of Ireland and was raised to Lord of Meath in 1172 . He spent much of his time away from Ludlow Castle and King Henry II confiscated the castle in his absence, possibly to ensure his loyalty in Ireland. Hugh de Lacy died in Ireland in 1186 and the castle passed to his son Walter , who was still a minor and did not take possession of the property until 1194. During the rebellion of Johann Ohneland against Richard I in 1194, Walter de Lacy joined the attacks against Prince Johann. Richard I took no notice of this and confiscated Ludlow Castle and Walter's other properties. Walter de Lacy offered to buy back his land for 1,000 marks , but his offer was turned down until an agreement was finally reached in 1198 on the enormous sum of 3,100 marks.

13th Century

Solar from the 13th century (left) and the knight's hall (right) in front of the north-west tower

Walter de Lacy traveled to Ireland in 1201 and in the following year his estates including Ludlow Castle were again confiscated to secure his loyalty and placed under the control of his father-in-law, William de Braorse . He got his lands back against a fine of 400 marks, but in 1207 his disagreements with the royal officials in Ireland led to Johann Ohneland taking the castle again and transferring control to William de Braorse. Walter de Lacy was reconciled with Johann Ohneland in 1208, but in the meantime William de Braorse himself had fallen out of favor; fighting broke out and both de Lacy and de Braorse fled to Ireland, while Johann Ohneland took control of the castle again. It was not until 1215 that the differences of opinion were resolved and Johann Ohneland agreed that the Ludlow Castle would be returned to Walter de Lacy. Sometime in the early 13th century, the innermost wall ring was built into the castle, creating a private privacy within the core castle for the rulers.

In 1223 the English King Henry III met. with the Welsh Prince Llewelyn from Iorwerth to Ludlow Castle for peace talks, but the negotiations were unsuccessful. In the same year King Henry had doubts about the activities of Walter de Lacy in Ireland and so the crown took over among other measures to secure his loyalty to Ludlow Castle for two years. Walter de Lacy got the castle back in May 1225 when he carried out an attack on Henry's enemies in Ireland and paid the king 3,000 marks to return the castle and its lands. In the 1230s, however, Walter de Lacy had accumulated 1,000 pounds in debt to Heinrich and other private creditors that he could not repay. As a result, he signed Ludlow Castle over to the king in 1238 as a loan guarantee , but he must have got the fortress back sometime before his death in 1241.

Walter de Lacy's granddaughters, Maud and Margaret were to inherit their grandfather's remaining estates when he died, but they were still unmarried at the time, which made it difficult for them to own property. King Henry informally divided the lands among them, with Ludlow Castle falling to Maud. He married her to a royal favorite, Peter de Geneva , while canceling a large part of the debt she had inherited from her grandfather. Peter de Geneva died in 1249 and Maud married a second time, this time Geoffrey de Geneville , a friend of Prince Edward , the future king. In 1260, King Heinrich Walter de Lacy officially divided up the lands, with Geoffrey de Geneville being allowed to keep the castle.

King Henry lost his power in the 1260s, resulting in the second war of the barons across England. After the royalists' defeat in 1264, the rebel leader Simon de Montfort captured Ludlow Castle, but it was recaptured a short time later by supporters of Henry, presumably led by Geoffrey de Geneville. Prince Edward escaped from captivity in 1265 and met with his supporters at the castle before beginning his struggle to regain the English throne, which culminated in Montfort's defeat at the Battle of Evesham later that year. Geoffrey de Geneville owned the castle for the rest of the century and the reign of Edward I, which prospered until his death in 1314. De Geneville had the great hall and the solar built during this period , either between 1250 and 1280 or later in the 1280s or 1290s. The construction of the city wall of Ludlow began in the 13th century, probably from 1260. This wall was connected to the castle and together with it formed a closed defensive ring around the city.

14th Century

The 14th century parade bedroom block and the 12th century St. Mary Magdalene Chapel
The inside of the parade bedroom block

Geoffrey's and Maud's eldest granddaughter, Joan , married Roger Mortimer in 1301 , giving the Mortimers their possession of Ludlow Castle. Around 1320, Roger Mortimer had the parade bedroom block added to the knight's hall and the solar in the style of a three-part residential building in castles, which was customary at the time. He had another building built on the spot where the Tudor's residential buildings were later built, as well as a toilet tower on the curtain wall. Between 1321 and 1322, Mortimer found himself on the losing side of the Despenser War . After his imprisonment by King Edward II, he fled the Tower of London into exile in 1323 .

During his stay in France, Mortimer formed an alliance with Isabelle , King Edward's estranged wife, and together they gained power over England in 1327. Mortimer was named Earl of March and got very rich. Presumably he was entertaining Edward III. in his castle in 1329. The earl had a new chapel built in the outer bailey, which was consecrated to Saint Peter because Mortimer had managed to escape from the tower on his memorial day. Mortimer's work at Ludlow Castle was supposed to create , as historian David Whitehead put it, a “showburg” with chivalric and Arthurian undertones, reflecting the then archaic Norman architectural style. Mortimer lost power the following year, but his widow Joan was allowed to keep Ludlow Castle.

Ludlow Castle was slowly becoming the Mortimer family's most important property, but for the remainder of the 14th century the owners were too young to take personal control of the castle. The castle initially briefly inherited Mortimer's son Edmund, but then in 1331 Mortimer's youngest grandson Roger , who later became a prominent fighter in the Hundred Years War . Roger's younger son Edmund inherited the castle in 1358, grew up there and also fought in the war against France. Both Roger and Edmund used a piece of legislation called "The Use," which Ludlow Castle effectively gave to trustees for their entire life in return for annual payments. This reduced their tax payments and gave them more control over the allocation of their lands upon their respective deaths. Edmund's son, another Roger , inherited the castle in 1381, but King Richard II took advantage of Roger's youth to benefit from the Mortimers' lands until they were placed under the control of a committee of important nobles. When Roger Mortimer died in 1398, King Richard again took over the guardianship of the castle for young Edmund until he was deposed as king in 1399.

15th century

Medieval tile, believed to be from Ludlow Castle, that was originally part of a hunting scene.

Ludlow Castle was under the tutelage of King Henry IV when the Owain-Glyndŵr Revolt broke out across Wales. Officers were posted to the castle to protect it from the threat posed by the rebels, first John Lovel and then Heinrich's half-brother, Sir Thomas Beaufort . Roger Mortimer's younger brother, Edmund, marched with an army from the castle against the rebels in 1402, but was captured at the Battle of Bryn Glas . Heinrich refused to release it and later married one of Glyndŵr's daughters before dying in the 1409 siege of Harlech Castle .

Heinrich placed the young heir of Ludlow Castle, another Edmund Mortimer, under house arrest in the south of England and kept the castle firmly under control himself. This situation continued until Heinrich V. Edmund finally returned his lands in 1413, with Edmund continuing to serve the Crown overseas. In the first half of the 15th century, for example, the Mortimers rarely visited their castle, even though the surrounding town had become rich with wool and cloth trading. Edmund accumulated large debts and had to sell the rights to his Welsh estates to a consortium of nobles before he died childless in 1425.

The castle was inherited by the youngest son of Edmund's sister, Richard the Duke of York , who took possession of it in 1432. Richard was very interested in the castle, which he made the administrative center of his lands in the area and probably lived there as early as the late 1440s, but certainly in the 1450s. Richard also brought his sons, later Edward IV , and their households to the castle. He was believed to have been responsible for rebuilding the northern part of the great tower at that time.

In the 1450s, the Wars of the Roses broke out between House Lancaster and House York , of which Richard was a part. For most of the conflict, Ludlow Castle was not at the forefront but served as a safe retreat from the main fighting. An exception to this was the Battle of Ludlow , which took place right outside the gates of the city in 1459 and with a largely bloodless victory by Henry VI. from the House of Lancaster ended. After the battle, '' Edmund de la Mare '' was installed as constable of the castle to break Richard's power over the region. John Talbot , the Earl of Shrewsbury , was given further rule. Richard fell in battle in 1460, and his son Edward came to the throne of England the following year, regaining control of Ludlow Castle and uniting it with the Crown's possessions.

The new King Edward IV visited the castle regularly and established an assembly there to rule over his lands in Wales. He only had a limited amount of work done on the property, even if he was probably responsible for the renovation of the great tower. In 1473 Edward IV, possibly under the influence of his own childhood experiences, caused his eldest son, the future Edward V , and his brother, Prince Richard , to live at the castle. It also became the seat of the newly formed Council of Wales and the Marches . From this point onwards, Ludlow Castle served primarily as a residence rather than a military establishment, but it was still rich in knightly significance and a valuable symbol of the Yorkists' power and claim to the throne. Edward IV died in 1483, but after Henry VII took the throne in 1485, he continued to use Ludlow Castle as a regional base, fiefing it to his son, Prince Arthur , in 1493, and reestablishing the dormant Council of Wales and the Marches there.

16th Century

Inside of the Judges' Lodgings with the spiral staircase (center)

In 1501, Prince Arthur reached Ludlow Castle on his honeymoon with his bride Catherine of Aragon before he died the following year. The Council of Wales and the Marches continued to function, but under the leadership of its President, Bishop William Smyth . The council evolved into a combination of government agency and court. It settled a number of conflicts across Wales and maintained public order, so that Ludlow Castle practically became the capital of Wales.

Mary Tudor , daughter of Catherine of Aragon, and Henry VIII spent 19 months at Ludlow Castle with their entourage of servants, advisers, and protectors, overseeing the Council of Wales and the Marches from 1525 to 1528. The relatively small sum of £ 5 was spent on renovating the castle before it arrived. The council's far-reaching role was strengthened by the legislation of 1534 and its purpose further emphasized in the Union Act of 1543. Some of its presidents, such as Bishop Rowland Lee, used his greater power further to condemn local criminals to death, but later presidents preferred to be pilloried, flogged or imprisoned at the castle. The castle's parade bedroom served as the council meeting room.

The installation of the Council of Wales and the Marches at Ludlow Castle gave it a new use at a time when many similar fortresses were falling into disrepair. In the 1530s, the castle urgently needed renovation. Lee started work in 1534, borrowing money, but Sir Thomas Engleford complained the following year that the castle was still unsuitable for residential use. Lee had the roofs of the castle repaired, presumably using lead sheets from the Carmelite brother house in town. The money came from the fines imposed by the council and from the confiscated goods. He later stated that the work on the castle would have cost around £ 500 if the Crown had to pay for it directly. The porter's lodge and the prison in the outer bailey were built around 1552. The forests around the castle were gradually cut down in the 16th century.

Elizabeth I , under the influence of her favorite Robert Dudley, appointed Sir Henry Sidney President of the Council in 1560 and the latter moved to Ludlow Castle. Sidney was an ardent archaeologist with an interest in the age of chivalry and used his tenure to restore most of the castle in the perpendicular style . He had the castle expanded by adding living quarters for the family between the knight's hall and Mortimers Tower . He used the former royal living quarters as a guest room and began the tradition of decorating the knight's hall with the coat of arms of officers of the council. The larger windows of the castle were glazed, a clock and water pipes were installed. The judiciary facilities were upgraded with a new courthouse built from the 14th century chapel; In addition, facilities for prisoners and for the storage of court files were created in Mortimers Tower . The restoration met with general approval and, although it also included a fountain, a jeu-de-paume field , walkways and a viewing platform, it was less transitory than other castle restorations of the time.

17th century

Title page of John Milton's Comus , which premiered at Ludlow Castle in 1634.

In the 17th century, the castle was luxuriously furnished and received an expensive but also great household around the Council of the Marches . The future King Charles I was declared Prince of Wales in 1616 at the castle of King James I and Lodlow Castle was made his headquarters in Wales. A troupe called "Queen's Players" maintained the council in the 1610s and in 1634 John Milton's mask play Comus was premiered in the great hall for John Egerton , the Earl of Bridgewater . The council, however, experienced increasing criticism for its legal practices and in 1641 a parliamentary law deprived it of all legal responsibilities.

When the English Civil War broke out in 1642 between the supporters of King Charles and those of Parliament, Ludlow and the surrounding area supported the royalists. A royalist garrison under the command of Sir Michael Woodhouse was set up in the town and the fortifications of the castle were reinforced. Artillery was relocated to the castle from the nearby Bringwood Forge . When the fortunes of war turned against the king in 1644, the garrison was withdrawn to reinforce the troops in the field. The military situation of the royalists worsened and in 1645 the remaining outside garrisons were drafted to defend Ludlow himself. In April 1646 Sir William Brereton and John Birch led an army of Parliamentarians from Hereford to take Ludlow. After a brief siege, Woodhouse gave up the castle and town on May 26, 1646 on good terms. The castle was initially garrisoned, but in 1653 most weapons were removed from the castle for security reasons and sent to Hereford. In 1655 the garrison was completely disbanded. In 1659, the government's political instability led to Ludlow Castle being again occupied with a garrison of 100 men led by William Botterell .

Charles II returned to the English throne in 1660 and reinstated the Council of the Marches in 1661 , but the castle was never to recover from the civil war. Richard Vaughan , 2nd Earl of Carbery , has been appointed President of the Council and donated £ 2000 to renovate the castle. In the years 1663-1665 a garrison of infantry soldiers was stationed at Ludlow Castle under the supervision of the Earl. Their job was to guard the castle's money and furnishings, as well as ammunition for the local Welsh militia. The Council of the Marches was unable to re-establish itself and was finally abolished in 1689, ending Ludlow Castle's role in the government of England. The castle was no longer needed. As a result, the buildings were neglected and quickly fell into disrepair.

18th century

18th century illustration of Ludlow Castle by Samuel Scott. The painting was created between 1765 and 1769 prior to the landscaping on the property.

The castle remained in a state of disrepair and in 1704 the then governor William Gower proposed that it be demolished and replaced by a contemporary-style residential area. His suggestion was not followed, but in 1708 only three rooms were still in use in the hall block. Many of the other buildings in the inner castle were no longer usable and most of the remaining furniture was rotten or broken. Soon after 1714 the lead sheets were removed from the roofs and the wooden ceilings gradually collapsed. The writer Daniel Defoe visited the castle in 1722 and noted that the castle was “in a state of perfect decay”. However, some rooms remained usable for many years, possibly even into the 1760s and 1770s. Drawings of the gate block to the main castle from this period show it still intact and visitors noted that the round chapel was still in good condition. The masonry was overgrown with ivy , trees and scrub and in 1800 the chapel of St. Mary Magdalene was finally in ruins.

Alexander Stuart , an army captain and the last governor of the castle, demolished what was left of the fortifications in the mid-1700s. Some of the stones were used to build the Bowling Green House - later renamed Castle Inn - at the north end of Jeu-de-Paume-Platz, while the outer bailey was turned into a bowling green . Stuart lived in a house in Ludlow town, but decorated the castle's great hall with the remains of the arsenal and presumably charged visitors to enter.

Painting of the castle in October 1812 after landscaping and extensive tree planting by an unknown artist

It was then becoming fashionable to restore castles as private residences and the future King George II may have considered making Ludlow Castle habitable again, but was put off by the estimated cost of £ 30,000. Henry Herbert , the Earl of Powis , later became interested in the castle ruins and in 1771 asked the crown to lease it. It is unclear whether he wanted to continue to extract building materials from the castle or, more likely, to turn it into a private residence. But according to Powis' surveyor's report from the end of the same year, the castle was already "extremely ruinous", the walls "mostly just rubble and the battlements largely dilapidated". The Crown offered a 31 year lease for a lease of £ 20 a year, which Lord Powis accepted in 1772, only to die shortly afterwards.

Heinrich's son, George Herbert , took over the lease and his wife Henrietta had public, gravel paths built through the rocks around the castle and trees planted all over the property to improve the appearance of the castle. The walls and towers of the castle were superficially repaired and cleaned, mostly when parts of them threatened to collapse. The inner courtyard of the main castle was leveled, which resulted in considerable costs. The landscape park also required expensive maintenance and repair measures.

The town of Ludlow became increasingly fashionable and visited by tourists, with the castle being a particularly popular attraction. In 1785 Thomas Warton published an edition of Milton's poems describing Ludlow Castle and promoting the connection with Comus , which strengthened the castle's reputation as a picturesque and sublime place. The castle became a motif for painters interested in these subjects: William Turner , Francis Towne , Thomas Hearne (1744–1817), Julius Ibbetson , Peter de Wint and William Marlowe all painted the castle at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, whereby they often exercised artistic freedom in details to achieve a romantic atmosphere.

19th century

The main castle and visitors 1852

Edward Clive , George's brother-in-law and heir, tried to get a lease for the castle from 1803, pointing to the efforts of his family in restoring the castle. In his efforts to continue the lease, he was faced with competition from the government's barracks office, who wanted to use the castle as a prisoner-of-war camp for over 4,000 French soldiers from the Napoleonic wars . After much discussion, the POW camp plan was eventually dropped and Lord Clive, who had by then already been promoted to Earl of Powis, was offered the opportunity to buy the castle for £ 1,560. In 1811 he made use of this offer.

Between 1820 and 1828, the Earl had the abandoned Jeu-de-Paume-Platz and the Castle Inn - which he closed in 1812 after buying the castle - converted into a new, large building called Castle House , which stands over the north side of the outer bailey. This house had been leased since the 1840s, first to George Hodges and his family, then to William Urwick and Robert Marston , all important members of the local landowning class. This manor house contained a drawing room, dining room, study, quarters for the servants, a greenhouse and grapevines. In 1887 the annual rent was £ 50.

In the 19th century the castle walls were overgrown by vegetation, although, according to a report by Arthur Blomfield in 1883, who showed the damage caused by ivy, attempts were made to control the plants and clear some of the walls. Ludlow Castle was valued by Victorian archaeologists; George Clark called the castle "the glory of the middle Marches of Wales" and noted that because of its location in the middle of a sparse forest, it was "probably without equal in Great Britain". When the town of Ludlow joined the expanding rail network in 1852, the number of tourists visiting the castle increased. Entry cost sixpence back then. The castle was used for many purposes. Sheep and goats were grazed on the grassy areas of the outer bailey, and they were used for par force hunts , sporting events and agricultural shows. Parts of the outer bailey served as a wood store and at the turn of the century the local voluntary militia used the old prison as an ammunition store.

20th century

Ludlow Castle Floor Plan: A - Core Castle; B - moat; C - Castle House; D - Mortimers Tower; E - St. Peter's Chapel; F - outer bailey; G - castle guard house, prison and stables; H - input

WH St. John Hope and Harold Brakspear began a series of archaeological investigations at Ludlow Castle in 1903. They published their findings in 1909, and they are still valued by modern academics today. Christian Herbert , the Earl of Powis, had the masonry of the castle largely cleared of ivy and other overgrowths. In 1915 the castle was declared an "Ancient Monument" by the state, but still belonged to the Earl and the trustees of the Powis lands and were maintained by them.

The castle was maintained increasingly resolutely and in the 1910s and 1920s the large trees on the property were felled and the animals were driven from the core and outer bailey on the grounds that they represented a health risk and injury to visitors. In the 1930s, the rest of the vegetation was removed from the castle walls, the cellars were cleared out by the government agency's Office of Works, and the stables block was converted into a museum. Tourists continued to visit the castle; in the 1920s and 1930s many groups of workers came from the new automobile plants in the region. The open spaces in the castle were used by the townspeople for football tournaments and similar events; In 1934 Milton's Comus were staged again in the castle for the 300th anniversary of the premiere.

Castle House in the outer bailey was leased to the diplomat Sir Alexander Stephen in 1901 ; In 1904 he had extensive work carried out on the house, with the north side of the house being expanded and modernized, e.g. B. by installing a billiard room and a library. The cost has been estimated at around £ 800. Castle House continued to be leased to wealthy individuals by the Powis estate management until World War II . One of these tenants, Richard Henderson , stated that he had spent about £ 4,000 on the maintenance and extension of the house; the lease value of the property rose from £ 76 to £ 150 during this period.

During the Second World War, the castle was used by the Allied military. The Great Tower served as a lookout and the US forces played baseball in the castle gardens. Castle House stood empty after the death of the last tenant, James Geenway. In 1942 it was briefly requisitioned by the Royal Air Force and converted into apartments for military workers. This caused considerable damage which was later estimated at £ 2000. In 1956 Castle House was returned to the Earl of Powis, who sold it to the Ludlow City Council the following year for £ 4,000. This then rented the apartments.

In the 1970s and early 1980s, the Ministry of the Environment then supported the Powis estate administration by lending state employees to repair the castle. The number of visitors decreased, however, partly because of the neglected condition of the property and so the estate administration was less and less able to maintain the castle adequately. In 1984, English Heritage took over the role of the Ministry of the Environment and the task of maintaining the castle was approached more systematically. On this was a partnership that kept the castle property with the manor who opened the castle to the public in exchange for £ 500,000 from English Heritage for a jointly funded repair and maintenance program. Repair and maintenance were carried out by specialized companies. This included repairs to parts of the curtain wall that collapsed in 1990 and the construction of the visitor center. From 1992 to 1993, the Hereford City Department of Archeology conducted limited excavations in the outer bailey.

21st century

Ludlow Food and Drink Festival 2003 in the courtyard

Today, in the 21st century, Ludlow Castle is owned by John Herbert , the current Earl of Powis, but is operated as a tourist attraction by the trustees of the estate administration. In 2005 over 100,000 tourists visited the castle, more than in the previous decades. As part of the annual Ludlow Festival , a Shakespeare performance traditionally takes place at the castle. It is also the center of the Ludlow Food and Drink Festival every September.

English Heritage considers Ludlow Castle “one of England's finest castles”. The ruins represent a "remarkably complete complex from different eras". They are listed as a Scheduled Monument and a First Grade Historic Building. By the beginning of the 21st century, the Castle House was in considerable disrepair and English Heritage put it on the At-Risk Register. In 2002 the estate management repurchased this building from South Shropshire District Council for £ 500,000, renovated it and converted it into offices and rental apartments. It was reopened in 2005.


Ludlow Castle is built on a ledge over the modern city of Ludlow to the east. The terrain slopes steeply about 30 meters south and west to the River Corve and River Teme . The castle complex is roughly rectangular and about 150 m × 130 m in size. It covers a total area of ​​2 hectares. The interior of the castle complex is divided into two main parts: a core castle in the northwest corner and a much larger outer castle. A third part, called the innermost castle, was created at the beginning of the 13th century by building walls in the southwest corner of the core castle. The castle walls connect to the south and east sides of the medieval wall ring of the city of Ludlow. The castle is constructed from a number of different modules: The masonry from Norman period consists of gray green Schluffbruchstein , said tool and cornerstones of red sandstone were manufactured. Later masonry was made entirely of the red sandstone from the area.

Outer bailey

Mortimer's Tower and towers of the inner castle in the distance

The outer bailey is entered through the gatehouse. The room inside the curtain wall is divided into two parts. On the north side of the outer bailey is the Castle House and its gardens. The house is two-story and was built on the old walls of Jeu-de-Paume-Platz and the Castle Inn. The north side of Castle House adjoins the Beacon Tower, from which one can overlook the city.

In the other half of the outer bailey are the guard room, the prison and the block of stables that runs along the east side. The guard room and the prison consist of two buildings, 12 m × 7 m and 17.7 m × 7 m, both two-storey and made of stone. The stables are at the far end, are built in quarry stone and are 20.1 m × 6.4 m in size. The outer walls of the prison were originally decorated with the coats of arms of Henry, the Earl of Pembroke and Queen Elizabeth I, but these were destroyed, as were the barred windows that once protected the house.

Along the south side of the outer bailey are the remains of St. Peter, a chapel from the 14th century, about 6.4 mx 15.8 m in size, which was later converted into a courthouse and provided with an extension that extends up to western curtain is enough. The courtroom extended over the entire first floor, and court files were stored in the rooms below. The southwest corner of the outer bailey is separated from the rest of the outer bailey by a modern wall.

The western curtain wall is about 1.96 m thick and carries the Mortimers Tower from the 13th century, which measures 5.5 m × 5.5 m on the outside and houses a vaulted chamber with 3.7 m × 3.7 m on the ground floor . Initially, Mortimers Tower was built as a three-story gatehouse in an unusual, D-shaped floor plan, possibly similar to that at Trim Castle in Ireland. But in the 15th century the entrance was locked and so the tower was transformed into an ordinary wall tower and in the 16th century an additional floor was added. Today the tower no longer has a roof; however, he only lost it at the end of the 19th century.

Core castle

Main castle: A - toilet tower; B - northwest tower; C - solar block; D - knight's hall; E - parade bedroom block; F - Tudor apartments and northeast tower; G - main kitchen and pantry; H - well; I - Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene; J - west tower; K - southwest tower; L - Great Tower; M - moat and bridge; N - Judges' chambers.
Time periods: black - 11./12. Century; purple - 12th century; blue - 13th century; yellow - 14th century; orange - 15th century; red - 16th century; bright purple - 17th century; dashed - destroyed buildings

The core castle shows the extent of the original, Norman castle and is enclosed by a 1.5–1.8 m thick curtain wall. On the south and west sides, the wall is additionally protected by a moat that was cut out of the rock up to 24 m deep. It is spanned by a bridge that still consists of part of the stone from its predecessor from the 16th century. In the 13th century, another courtyard in the south-west corner, called the innermost castle, was divided off by a 1.5 m thick stone wall.

The gatehouse to the inner bailey bears the coats of arms of Sir Henry Sidney and Queen Elizabeth I above, which date from 1581. It was originally a three-story building with skylights and open chimneys and was believed to have served as an apartment for the judges. Presumably there were also shield holders under the coats of arms, but these were lost over time. There was a guard room on the right side of the entrance, from where the entrance could be controlled. The rooms were accessible via a spiral staircase in a protruding tower. The building had eye-catching triple fireplaces. All of these rooms no longer exist today. Along the gatehouse was originally a semi-wooden building, possibly a laundry room, 14.6 mx 4.6 m in size. This building no longer exists today either.

On the east side of the main castle is the chapel of St. Mary Magdalene from the 12th century. The circular, Romanesque construction of the chapel is unusual; there are only three other examples of this in England, at Castle Rising Castle , at Hereford Castle and at Pevensey Castle . The circular building made of sandstone is intended to remind of the shrine in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher . Originally the chapel had a nave and a square, 3.8 x 3.8 m chancel , but this construction was significantly changed in the 16th century and only the nave is still preserved today. The nave today also no longer has a roof. It has a diameter of 8 m and is visibly divided into two sections by different strips of masonry. Some plaster has also been preserved in the lower areas. There are 14 niches on the inner walls of the nave.

The north side of the core castle is occupied by various buildings, the solar block, the knight's hall and the parade bedroom block. The Tudor's apartments are in the northeast corner. The latter are in the shape of two rhomboids to fit in the angle formed by the curtain wall. They are separated by a wall; the west side is about 10.1 m × 4.6 m, the east side 10.1 m × 6.4 m. They were accessible via a common spiral staircase, a construction that can be found in many episcopal palaces of the 16th century. Originally there were a number of small offices and private rooms for the court employees, which were later converted into two separate apartments.

The parade bedroom block, which adjoins the Tudor apartments, was built around 1320. It was also made as a rhomboid, about 16 m × 10 m in size. The master bedroom was originally upstairs, but has been changed significantly in the years that follow. The carved consoles that are still preserved on the upper floor may show Edward II and Queen Isabella. Behind the parade bedroom block is the toilet tower, a four-story construction in which there is a combination of chambers and toilets.

The knight's hall from the 13th century was also on the first floor. It originally had a wooden floor, which was supported by stone pillars on the ground floor, and a solid wooden roof. He was 18.3 mx 9.1 m tall; the length-to-width ratio of 2: 1 was typical for knight halls of this time. The knight's hall could be reached via a series of stone steps on the west side. It was illuminated through three tall, tripartite windows, each with its own window seat and facing south to let in the sunlight. Originally the knight's hall had an open hearth in the middle of the room, which was common for the 13th century, but the middle window was converted into a modern, open fireplace around 1580.

To the west of the knight's hall is the three-storey solar block, an irregular, elongated building up to 7.9 m × 11.9 m in size. The room on the first floor probably served as a solar room (dining room for the family), the ground floor as a room for the servants. The knight's hall and solar block were built at the same time in the 13th century, with the masons removing the built-in parts of the old Norman tower behind the knight's hall. They were probably built in two phases and should actually be smaller, less representative buildings. However, the plans were changed in the course of construction. They were completed in a hurry, traces of which can still be seen today along with other changes in the 16th and 17th centuries.

The main kitchen (right) in front of the innermost courtyard and the entrance to the main castle (left)

The north-west and north-east towers behind the northern buildings are of Norman origin, dating from the 11th and beginning of the 12th century. They were created by arching the curtain wall outwards until the desired external shape was created. Then wooden floors and a wooden wall were put in at the back. The wooden parts of the towers were later replaced by stone components and added to the series of later structures. The northeast tower, also known as Pendover Tower , was originally two stories high. A third floor was added in the 14th century and the interior was significantly redesigned in the 16th century. It has chamfered outside corners to make attacks more difficult, although this also weakens the structure of the tower as a whole. The north-west tower also had chamfered corners, but the toilet tower was added in the 13th century and changed its appearance. Two other Norman towers have been preserved in the inner courtyard to this day, the west tower, also known as the Postern Tower , because it contained the rear entrance ("postern gate"), and the southwest tower, also known as the Oven Tower , because of its cooking facilities. The Norman towers looked across the country towards Wales, presumably for symbolic reasons.

A number of buildings that no longer exist today once stretched from the inner courtyard to the knight's hall. This also included a large stone house, 16.5 mx 6.1 m, which stretched along the curtain wall, and on the side opposite the innermost courtyard the main kitchen, 9.4 mx 7 m, which roughly leads to the at the same time as the knight's hall was built. There was also a furnace building, 6.4 x 8.2 m in size.

The Great Tower or Donjon is on the south side of the innermost courtyard. It's a roughly square building, four stories high. Most of its walls are eight feet thick, with the exception of the newer north wall, which is just eight feet thick. The Great Tower was built in various stages. Originally it was a relatively large gatehouse in the original Norman castle, presumably with sleeping quarters over the passage. In the middle of the 12th century it was converted into a donjon, but still served as a gatehouse for the inner castle. When the innermost courtyard was created at the beginning of the 13th century, the passage was filled and a new entrance was created in the inner castle east of the Great Tower. Finally, in the mid-15th century, the north side of the building was rebuilt, creating the Great Tower in its present-day form. The donjon has a vaulted ground floor, 6.1 m high, with Norman wall arches and a series of windows on the first floor, but most of them have been bricked up over time. The arches are the counterpart to those in the chapel and probably date from 1080. The windows and the large passage must have looked impressive, but were also very difficult to defend. This type of tower was probably based on the earlier Anglo-Saxon status towers and was intended to show the owner's high social status. The first floor was originally a high hall, 8.8 x 5.2 m in size, which was later divided into two floors by adding a ceiling.

Chapel from the early 12th century

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Derek Renn: Castles in Wales and the Marches: Essays in Honor of CJ Cathcart King . Chapter: Chastel de Dynan: The First Phases of Ludlow . John R. Kenyon & Richard Avent, University of Wales Press, Cardiff 1987, ISBN 0-7083-0948-8 , pp. 55-58.
  2. ^ A b c d Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 21.
  3. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 21-22.
  4. ^ A b c Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 22.
  5. ^ Norman John Greville Pounds: The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Political History . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994, ISBN 0-521-45828-5 , p. 69.
  6. ^ Derek Renn: Castles in Wales and the Marches: Essays in Honor of CJ Cathcart King . Chapter: Chastel de Dynan: The First Phases of Ludlow . John R. Kenyon & Richard Avent, University of Wales Press, Cardiff 1987, ISBN 0-7083-0948-8 , p. 57.
  7. a b Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 125-126.
  8. ^ A b c John Goodall: The English Castle . Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2011, ISBN 978-0-300-11058-6 , p. 79.
  9. ^ A b Norman John Greville Pounds: The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Political History . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994, ISBN 0-521-45828-5 , p. 11.
  10. a b c List Entry: Ludlow Castle, the standing structural remains. (No longer available online.) English Heritage, archived from the original on January 26, 2014 ; accessed on May 13, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. a b Oliver Creighton: Early European Castles: Aristocracy and Authority, AD 800-1200 . Bristol Classic Press, London 2012, ISBN 978-1-78093-031-2 , p. 83.
  12. ^ Robert Liddiard: Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape, 1066 to 1500 . Windgather Press, Macclesfield 2005, ISBN 0-9545575-2-2 , pp. 21-22.
  13. a b Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 25.
  14. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 25-26.
  15. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 26.
  16. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 26-27.
  17. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 27.
  18. a b c Derek Renn: Castles in Wales and the Marches: Essays in Honor of CJ Cathcart King . Chapter: Chastel de Dynan: The First Phases of Ludlow . John R. Kenyon & Richard Avent, University of Wales Press, Cardiff 1987, ISBN 0-7083-0948-8 , p. 55.
  19. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 28.
  20. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 30-33.
  21. a b Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 34.
  22. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: From Foundation to the Anarchy . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 35.
  23. a b c Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 133.
  24. Derek Renn, Ron Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History and Buildings . Chapter: The Outer Bailey . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 191-194.
  25. Derek Renn, Ron Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History and Buildings . Chapter: The Outer Bailey . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 191.
  26. Glyn Coppack: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Round Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 150.
  27. ^ A b c Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 35.
  28. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 35-36.
  29. a b The medieval mark was equivalent to 2/3 of a pound. 400 marks were equivalent to £ 240, 1,000 marks were equivalent to £ 666 and 3,100 marks were equivalent to £ 2066. It is not possible to compare medieval financial sums with today's. As a comparison, the average English baron at that time had an annual income of around £ 200.
  30. ^ A b Norman John Greville Pounds: The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Political History . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994, ISBN 0-521-45828-5 , p. 147.
  31. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 36.
  32. a b Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 37.
  33. a b Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 38.
  34. ^ A b c Peter White: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Changes to the Castle Keep . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 140.
  35. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 39.
  36. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 38-39.
  37. ^ A b c Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 40.
  38. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 40-42.
  39. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 41.
  40. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 42.
  41. ^ A b c Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 43.
  42. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 43-44.
  43. ^ Richard K. Morriss: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Solar Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 166.
  44. ^ Michael Thompson: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Great Hall & Great Chamber Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 170.
  45. The dating of the great hall and the solar depends on the analysis of their style details and the historical events of this period. There are no written records of its construction. After Hope's work was published in the early 20th century, it was agreed that these buildings must have been built towards the end of the 13th century, but the exact period is not certain. The historian Richard Morriss concludes that they date from the 1280s or 1290s, but Michael Thompson thinks that the buildings were more likely built between 1250 and 1280.
  46. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61, p. 276.
  47. Derek Renn, Ron Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History and Buildings . Chapter: The Outer Bailey . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 194.
  48. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 45.
  49. ^ Norman John Greville Pounds: The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Political History . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994, ISBN 0-521-45828-5 , p. 190.
  50. ^ Michael Thompson: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Great Hall & Great Chamber Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp 170-171.
  51. a b Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Tudor Lodgings and User of the North-East Range . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson; Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 175.
  52. ^ A b David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 100.
  53. ^ A b David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 46.
  54. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 47-48.
  55. Bruce Coplestone-Crow: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The End of the Anarchy to the de Genevilles . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 44.
  56. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 47.
  57. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 48.
  58. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 48-54.
  59. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 48-49.
  60. ^ A b David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 50-51.
  61. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 51-52.
  62. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 53.
  63. The tile is from the Shropshire Hills Discovery Center and is number SRCHM A08248. Their origins are described on a plaque in this museum.
  64. ^ David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 53-54.
  65. ^ A b c David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 54.
  66. ^ A b c d David Harding: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Mortimer Lordship . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 55.
  67. ^ Ralph A. Griffiths: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow During the Wars of the Roses . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 57-58.
  68. ^ Ralph A. Griffiths: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow During the Wars of the Roses . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 59.
  69. ^ Ralph A. Griffiths: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow During the Wars of the Roses . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 57.
  70. ^ Ralph A. Griffiths: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow During the Wars of the Roses . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 59-60.
  71. a b c d Ralph A. Griffiths: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow During the Wars of the Roses . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 67.
  72. ^ A b David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 101.
  73. ^ Ralph A. Griffiths: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow During the Wars of the Roses . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 60.
  74. a b Ralph A. Griffiths: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow During the Wars of the Roses . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 64-65.
  75. ^ Ralph A. Griffiths: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow During the Wars of the Roses . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 65.
  76. ^ A b Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 69.
  77. ^ A b c d David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 102.
  78. ^ John Goodall: The English Castle . Yale University Press, New Haven & London 2011, ISBN 978-0-300-11058-6 , p. 383.
  79. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 101-102.
  80. ^ A b Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 69-70.
  81. ^ A b Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 70.
  82. ^ A b J. PD Cooper: The Elizabethan World . Chapter: Center and Localities . Susan Doran, Norman Jones, Routledge, Abington 2014, ISBN 978-1-317-56579-6 , p. 138.
  83. ^ David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 3.
  84. ^ John Goodall: The English Castle . Yale University Press, New Haven & London 2011, ISBN 978-0-300-11058-6 , p. 427.
  85. It is difficult to compare sums of money from the 16th century with today's sums of money. £ 5 from 1525 is now between £ 3,059 and £ 1,101,000, depending on how you do the math. £ 500 from 1534 is now equivalent to between £ 306,000 and £ 110 million
  86. a b c d e f g Lawrence H. Officer, Samuel H. Williamson: Five Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a UK Pound Amount, 1270 to Present. (No longer available online.) MeasuringWorth, 2014, archived from the original on August 26, 2014 ; accessed on May 20, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  87. ^ Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 71.
  88. ^ A b David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 15.
  89. a b c d Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 77.
  90. ^ Norman John Greville Pounds: The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Political History . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994, ISBN 0-521-45828-5 , pp. 256-257.
  91. a b c d e David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 103.
  92. Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Tudor Lodgings and User of the North-East Range . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson; Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 181.
  93. ^ A b c Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 76.
  94. ^ Richard Stone: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Porter's Lodge, Prison and Stable Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 209.
  95. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 106.
  96. ^ A b John Goodall: The English Castle . Yale University Press, New Haven & London 2011, ISBN 978-0-300-11058-6 , p. 453.
  97. ^ Peter E. Curnow, John R. Kenyon: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Mortimer's Tower . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 195.
  98. ^ Peter Remfry, Peter Halliwell: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: St. Peter's Chapel & the Court House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 203-204.
  99. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 103-104.
  100. Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 89.
  101. ^ A b c David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 105.
  102. a b c d e David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 17.
  103. ^ Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 79.
  104. ^ Jeremy Knight: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Civil War . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 83.
  105. ^ Jeremy Knight: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Civil War . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 84-85.
  106. ^ Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 80.
  107. ^ A b Jeremy Knight: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Civil War . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 87.
  108. a b c d Jeremy Knight: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Civil War . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 88.
  109. Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 89-90.
  110. ^ Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 81.
  111. It is difficult to compare sums of money from the 17th century with today's sums of money. £ 2000 from 1661 is now between £ 3.2m and £ 49m, depending on how you do the math.
  112. ^ Michael Faraday: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Council in the Marches of Wales . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 81-82.
  113. a b c d e Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 90.
  114. a b c d e David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 19.
  115. a b W. H. St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 269.
  116. a b c d Glyn Coppack: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Round Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 145.
  117. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 113.
  118. ^ A b Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 90-91.
  119. ^ A b c David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 107.
  120. ^ A b c David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 18.
  121. ^ A b c David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 10.
  122. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 107-108.
  123. It is difficult to compare sums of money from the 18th century with today's sums of money. £ 30,000 from 1720 is now between £ 55m and £ 440m, depending on how you do the math. £ 20 from 1772 is now between £ 2,200 and £ 38,000.
  124. Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 91.
  125. Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 91 + 93.
  126. ^ A b Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 95.
  127. a b c W. H. St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 258.
  128. a b Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Story of Castle House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Jahonson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 216.
  129. Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 95-96, 98.
  130. a b c d e David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 115.
  131. ^ A b c David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 112.
  132. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings. Chapter: '' Symbolism and Assimilation ''. Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 108.
  133. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 108-111.
  134. ^ A b Pat Hughes: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Castle in Decline . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 96-97.
  135. a b c Sums of money from the 19th century are difficult to compare with today's sums of money. £ 1560 from 1811 is now between £ 99,000 and £ 5.2 million, depending on how you do the math. £ 50 from 1887 is now between £ 4900 and £ 62,000, sixpence from 1887 is between £ 2.40 and £ 18.
  136. Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Story of Castle House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Jahonson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 218.
  137. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 114-115.
  138. ^ GT Clark: Ludlow Castle in Archaeologia Cambrensis . Heft 32 (1877), p. 165. Retrieved on May 22, 2015.
  139. ^ Richard Stone: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Porter's Lodge, Prison and Stable Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 212.
  140. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 263.
  141. a b W. H. St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 257.
  142. ^ Peter White: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Changes to the Castle Keep . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 139.
  143. Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 129.
  144. ^ David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 21.
  145. ^ A b Anthony DF Streeten: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Monument Preservation, Management and Display . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 117.
  146. ^ David Whitehead: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Symbolism and Assimilation . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 116.
  147. ^ David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, pp. 10-11.
  148. Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Story of Castle House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Jahonson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 220.
  149. a b c d e David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 11.
  150. a b Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Story of Castle House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Jahonson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 222.
  151. £ 800 from 1904 is now between £ 86,000 and £ 673,000, depending on how you do the math. £ 4,000 from 1928 is now between £ 630,000 and £ 1.4 million and £ 2,000 from 1945 is between £ 81,000 and £ 300,000.
  152. a b c Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Story of Castle House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Jahonson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 225.
  153. a b c Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Story of Castle House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Jahonson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 226.
  154. ^ A b Anthony DF Streeten: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Monument Preservation, Management and Display . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 117 + 120.
  155. ^ Anthony DF Streeten: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Monument Preservation, Management and Display . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 117-118.
  156. ^ Anthony DF Streeten: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Monument Preservation, Management and Display . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 119 + 122.
  157. ^ Richard Stone: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Porter's Lodge, Prison and Stable Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 205.
  158. ^ David Lloyd: Ludlow Castle: A History and a Guide . WPG, Welshpool, p. 20.
  159. ^ Anthony DF Streeten: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Monument Preservation, Management and Display . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 122.
  160. ^ Ludlow Festival. Shropshire Tourism, accessed May 26, 2015 .
  161. ^ Ludlow Food and Drink Festival. The Ludlow Website, accessed May 26, 2015 .
  162. Ludlow Castle. In: Pastscape. English Heritage, accessed May 26, 2015 .
  163. Ludlow Castle. Heritage Gateway, accessed May 16, 2015 .
  164. Historic residence returns to castle. BBC News, 2003, accessed May 26, 2015 .
  165. ^ GT Clark: Ludlow Castle in Archaeologia Cambrensis . Issue 32 (1877), p. 166. Retrieved May 22, 2015.
  166. Ron Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow Castle . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 15-16.
  167. Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 135.
  168. Ron Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Ludlow Castle . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 16.
  169. Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 126.
  170. Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Story of Castle House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Jahonson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 213 + 227.
  171. Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Story of Castle House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Jahonson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 213.
  172. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 262.
  173. ^ A b Richard Stone: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Porter's Lodge, Prison and Stable Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 206.
  174. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. No. 61 (1909), pp. 261-262.
  175. ^ Richard Stone: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Porter's Lodge, Prison and Stable Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 208.
  176. a b W. H. St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. No. 61 (1909), pp. 263-264.
  177. ^ A b Peter Remfry, Peter Halliwell: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: St. Peter's Chapel & the Court House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 202-204.
  178. ^ Peter Remfry, Peter Halliwell: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: St. Peter's Chapel & the Court House . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 201.
  179. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. No. 61 (1909), pp. 263, 265-266.
  180. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 266.
  181. ^ Peter E. Curnow, John R. Kenyon: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Mortimer's Tower . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 196, 199-200.
  182. ^ Peter E. Curnow, John R. Kenyon: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: Mortimer's Tower . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 198.
  183. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 267.
  184. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), pp. 259 + 267.
  185. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 301.
  186. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), pp. 268-269, 271.
  187. ^ Anthony Fleming: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Judges' Lodgings . Rn Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 187.
  188. ^ Anthony Fleming: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Judges' Lodgings . Rn Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 187-190.
  189. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 271.
  190. Glyn Coppack: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Round Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 147, 149-150.
  191. Glyn Coppack: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Round Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 145-146, 151.
  192. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. No. 61 (1909), pp. 271-272.
  193. Glyn Coppack: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Round Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 148.
  194. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), pp. 295 + 297.
  195. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 288.
  196. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. No. 61 (1909), pp. 288-289.
  197. ^ Michael Thompson: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Great Hall & Great Chamber Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 172.
  198. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 294.
  199. a b W. H. St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), pp. 276 + 279.
  200. ^ A b c Michael Thompson: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Great Hall & Great Chamber Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 167.
  201. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), pp. 276-277, 279.
  202. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), pp. 277-279.
  203. Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Tudor Lodgings and User of the North-East Range . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson; Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 180-181.
  204. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. No. 61 (1909), pp. 281-283.
  205. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 286.
  206. ^ Richard K. Morriss: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Solar Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 155, 163-166.
  207. ^ Richard K. Morriss: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Solar Block . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 164-166.
  208. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. No. 61 (1909), pp. 298-299.
  209. a b c Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 127.
  210. Rob Shoesmith: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Tudor Lodgings and User of the North-East Range . Ron Shoesmith, Andy Johnson; Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 180.
  211. Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , pp. 128-129.
  212. ^ Robert Liddiard: Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape, 1066 to 1500 . Windgather Press, Macclesfield 2005, ISBN 0-9545575-2-2 , p. 129.
  213. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), pp. 299-301.
  214. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 306.
  215. Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 138.
  216. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 305.
  217. a b Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 136.
  218. Derek Renn: Ludlow Castle: Its History & Buildings . Chapter: The Norman Military Works . Ron Shoesmith & Andy Johnson, Logaston Press, Logaston 2000, ISBN 1-873827-51-2 , p. 130.
  219. Oliver Creighton: Early European Castles: Aristocracy and Authority, AD 800-1200 . Bristol Classic Press, London 2012, ISBN 978-1-78093-031-2 , pp. 82-83.
  220. ^ Robert Liddiard: Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape, 1066 to 1500 . Windgather Press, Macclesfield 2005, ISBN 0-9545575-2-2 , pp. 31-32.
  221. ^ WH St John Hope: The Castle of Ludlow. In: Archaeologia. Issue 61 (1909), p. 310.

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Coordinates: 52 ° 22 ′ 1.9 "  N , 2 ° 43 ′ 22.8"  W.