Ludwig Mecking

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Ludwig Mecking (born May 3, 1879 in Frankfurt am Main , † October 20, 1952 in Hamburg ) was a German geographer and meteorologist .


Mecking graduated from high school in Hadamar and then studied natural sciences in Münster and later in Berlin .

Ferdinand von Richthofen introduced him to geography . The geographer was particularly interested in the unexplored area of Antarctica and oceanography at the turn of the century . In 1905 he combined the investigation of polar geographic, meteorological and oceanographic questions. Richthofen played a decisive role in the creation of the South Pole Expedition, which was carried out under Erich von Drygalskis and whose observation material Mecking evaluated in the German South Pole Expedition in Berlin.

Mecking's work moved in the marine and meteorological as well as in the regional field. In 1916 a study of the influence of the sunspot period on the temperature, air and water of the North Atlantic led to the term "heat swing", since fluctuations in the west and east are opposite. In 1925 he worked on the polar lands from a landscape point of view. Mecking investigated connections between sea, land and coastal areas, especially for Japan .

Finally, he dealt with the investigation of large-scale structures, whereby the work The Development of Large Cities in the Main Industrial Countries (1949) was created.

In 1926 Ludwig Mecking was elected a member of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina in the Geography section .


  • The ice rift from the Baffin-Bai area is dominated by electricity and weather . Mittler, Berlin 1905 ( digitized version ).
  • The drift ice in Newfoundland in its dependence on weather conditions . Mittler, Berlin 1907 ( digitized version ).
  • Meteorological and climatological results of the English "Discovery" expedition 1901–1904. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. 57, 1911, no. 2, p. 78 ff.
  • From Singapore to Ỳokohama . Mittler, Berlin 1913 ( digitized version ).
  • The polar world in its cultural-geographical development, especially in recent times. In: Geographical Journal. 31, 1925, pp. 129-144.
  • with Otto Nordenskjöld : The geography of the polar regions . American Geographical Society, New York 1928 ( digitized ).
  • Construction and image of African coastal cities in their relationship to the people. In: Journal of Geography. 6, 1938, pp. 913-929.
  • Ocean, soil forms and their relationship to the structure of the earth. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. 86, 1940, pp. 1-10.
  • The development towards political and economic regions. In: Geographical Journal. 48, 1942, pp. 241-254.


  • Geographical Institute of the University of Hamburg in conjunction with the Academy for Spatial Research and Regional Planning (ed.): Festschrift for the 70th birthday of ord. Professor of Geography Dr. Ludwig Mecking . Dorn, Bremen-Horn 1949.
  • Karl Emil Fick and Hans-Günter Gierloff-Emden (eds.): Ludwig Mecking - the way, work and impact of a scientist of our century. Retrospect and Prospect. Commemorative publication for the geographer born in Frankfurt am Main, submitted by his students from the post-war study period 1945–1950 in Hamburg (= Frankfurt Contributions to Didactics of Geography . No. 14). Frankfurt am Main 1993, ISBN 3-921779-13-8 .
  • Claus Priesner:  Mecking, Ludwig. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 16, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-428-00197-4 , p. 588 f. ( Digitized version ).

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