March style

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March style is a name for a calendar bill that starts on March 1st . It is distinguished from the annunciation style , which begins on March 25th.


The Roman calendar began until 153 BC. With March 1st. Then January 1st became the official start of the year. In the Merovingian Empire and the Lombards , March was the first month of the year. There are also indications of this from the Alemanni . In Venice , March 1st until 1797 was the first day of the year, from which the More Veneto is derived.

March 1st was the beginning of the year in Kievan Rus as well . The calendar corresponded to the Byzantine calendar, which began on September 1st. Until the 12th century, the year counting was adopted with a six-month delay ( March style, Russian мартовский стиль), after which the year counting started half a year earlier ( Ultra March style, Russian ультрамартовский стиль). In the late 15th century the beginning of the year was moved to September 1st, and in 1700 to January 1st.
