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General Information
Military designation: M252
Team: 5
Technical specifications
Overall length: 0.838 m
Pipe length: 1.27 m
Caliber :

81 mm

Cadence : maximum 20, practically 12 rounds / min

The medium M252 mortar in 81 mm caliber is an American muzzle-loading high-speed cannon with smooth barrel for indirect fire support for light infantry, air assault and airborne units over the entire front width of a battalion. In the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps (USMC), the M252 is typically used in an infantry battalion mortar train.

The M252 is an adapted copy of the British standard 81 mm caliber mortar, the 81 mm L16 mortar , which was developed in the 1970s.


The complete M252 system weighs 41 kg and consists of the M253 tube (16 kg), the M177 mount (12 kg), the M3A1 base plate (13 kg) and the M64A1 optical aiming device (1.1 kg). For assembly, the bipod is mounted on the base plate, whereby the mortar can be aligned with a thread in the vertical as well as in the lateral direction. The M64A1 optical aiming device is attached to the bipod. The shells of the M252 are dropped into the smooth barrel to be fired . A flash hider is attached to the muzzle in order to reduce the smoke emission for the operating team when firing. The lower area is ribbed for better tube cooling. The crew can replace the firing pin and attach a pipe cap.


The M252 mortar was introduced into the US Army in 1987 and replaced the USMC's previous 81 mm mortar in 1986. Mainly for the reason that the range was greater and the reliability was comparable to the M29 mortar . In the USA the weapon is manufactured by Watervliet Arsenals .



The M252 mortar requires a five-man crew: the squad leader, the gunner, the loader, the first and second ammunition shooter.

  1. The squad leader stands directly behind the mortar, from where he can lead his squad. Since he has an overview of all troop crews, he also monitors the position, storage and firing of the weapon.
  2. The gunner stands to the left of the mortar, from where he can aim the optical aiming device and use a handwheel to align the weapon vertically and sideways at the target. He makes larger deflections by moving the bipod and holding the mortar straight for shooting using a spirit level.
  3. The loader stands to the right of the mortar with focus on the barrel to load it. In addition to loading the weapon, he cleans the barrel after ten shots or after the mission has ended. He's practically the one who fires the gun.
  4. The first ammunition shooter is on the right behind the mortar. His job is to arm the ammunition and hand it over to the loader.
  5. The second ammo shooter stands behind the first ammo shooter. He prepares the grenades and is responsible for securing the mortar production.

Types of ammunition

The M252 fires special ammunition for this mortar, but can also fire series 3 or lower grenades from the old M29 mortar . The following grenades are fired by the M252:

  1. High Explosive (HE): M821, M889, M372 series and M362. Used against people and light ground targets.
  2. Smoke Grenades: White Phosphorus Grenade. M819 and M375 series. Used as a smoke screen, as a signal or as an incendiary grenade. Red phosphorus can also be used.
  3. Flares (ILLUM): M853A1 and M301 series. To illuminate the operating area at night.
  4. Practice ammunition (TP): M880, M879, M68 with sabot . For exercise in cordoned off areas.
  5. Infrared light grenades (IR): produces light in the infrared range, visible to night vision devices.


The M252 ammunition has two types of detonator: the M734 detonator for M720-HE ammunition, which can be used as a proximity detonator, near-surface detonator, impact detonator or time detonator, and the M935 impact detonator.

Web links

Commons : M252  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
