Maria Schott

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Maria Schott

Anna Maria Henriette Schott (born June 21, 1878 in Mainz , † February 23, 1947 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf) was a German politician ( DNVP ).

Live and act

Schott attended the girls' high school in Mainz, Strasbourg , Berlin and Wolfenbüttel . Then it was on a horticultural school in Marienfelde in Berlin for teacher trained. She also attended the trade school in Gdansk from time to time . From 1902 to 1905 Schott lived as a gardener in the Mark Brandenburg, in Saxony and on the Rhine. Since 1905 she lived in Eisenach , where she was also socially committed.

After the First World War , Schott became a member of the DNVP. From 1919 to May 1920 she was a member of the state parliament of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach for her party .

In March 1923, Schott came to the Reichstag in the follow-up procedure , in which she took over the mandate of the retired Emil Ebersbach for constituency 4 (Potsdam I), who had resigned his. In the elections of May 1924 , Schott ran successfully for constituency 6 ( Pomerania ), which she represented until May 1928.

Apart from her work in parliament, Schott published the association magazine Haus, Garten, Landwirtschaft as chairwoman of the Reich Association of Civil Servants and Teachers in House, Garden and Agriculture .

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Individual evidence

  1. Birth register StA Mainz, No. 1041/1878
  2. death certificate registry office Berlin-Wilmersdorf no. 577/47