Martino Bitti

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Martino Bitti ditto Marti net (* around 1660 in Genoa , † 2. February 1743 in Florence ) was an Italian violinist and composer of the Baroque .

Live and act

As a violinist and composer, Bitti was one of the musicians of the post-Corelli era. He received his musical training in Venice, among others from the violinist Giovanni Battista Vivaldi (1655–1736), Antonio Vivaldi's father .

From 1688 until the end of his life, Bitti worked in Florence , in the service of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany. First under Ferdinando II. De 'Medici as "suonatore di violino" a year later as "primo violino" with Cosimo III. de 'Medici . In the summer of 1717 he met the German violinist Johann Georg Pisendel in Florence , who made copies of numerous works by Bitti. Bitti composed several stage works and oratorios, so-called pasticcios , together with other composers .

Works (selection)

  • A solo in la diesis per violino (around 1705)
  • Violino Solo in la diesis, performed by Sig.Gasparini (around 1705)
  • 2 sonata from 6 Sonata da camera a flauto traversa, haubois, o violino solo di Nicola Francesco Haim Romano e M. Bitti (with Roger , Amsterdam, around 1710)
  • Sonata per violino a tre (1710)
  • 8 Sonate a due violino e basso per sonarsi con flauto o'vero violino (by Walsh , London 1711) - These are not Sonata a tre , but Sonate a due, because due does not refer to violino (singular!) But to it that two voices (violino e basso) are notated. Because of the possible misunderstanding, a new edition was published under a different title: Solo's for a Flute, with a th [o] rough Bass for the Harpsicord or Bass Violin (London, 1712)
  • Concerts of 5, 6 and 7 instruments dont il ya un pour la trompette ou le hautbois, composez par Messieurs Bitti, Vivaldi, et Torelli , dediez à Monsieur Leon d'Urbino (Amsterdam, 1715)
  • 12 Sonata a violino solo e basso continuo di Martinello Bitti (Amsterdam, 1723)
  • 12 Sonata for violin and B. c. (Amsterdam, 1724) (lost)
  • Concerto for violin and strings in D major (Amsterdam)
  • Cantata: Silvia nella partenza d'Erinto, for solo part and B. c.
  • Opera: Flora, fixed teatrale (Florence, 1693)
  • Opera: Lucio Vero , 1700 (libretto by Apostolo Zeno ; the music of the second and third acts is by Giacomo Antonio Perti )
  • Oratorio: Il martirio di S. Agata (Florence, 1693)

Web links


  • Michael Talbot : A Thematic Catalog of the Instrumental Music of Martino Bitti (1655 / 6-1743) . In: Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 46 (2015), pp. 46-94 ( online ).

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 10 (1968)
  2. Robert Eitner : Biographical-bibliographical source lexicon of musicians and music scholars ... (1900)